Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Swans....

On a trip down to the southern part of the U.P., we went by Lake Michigan again.

Right outside of Escanaba, Michigan
on  a the only little patch
of open water.....



Two lovely tundra swans swimming about!

It is very early up here for sightings of swans!  They usually don't migrate up this far north until April, but this has been a warmer-than-usual March...(I am writing this on March 27th and prepublished this post):

So beautifully graceful!:
(Of course, I made my husband turn around on a busy four-lane highway so I could jump out of the car to capture them!)

But just LOOK at him/her:
Wouldn't YOU jump out of a car to see them up closer?

And not ONE beauty, but TWO!!:


Like a dream...

I hope, like me....

looking at them
made you


even more thankful
Nature's gifts.

Have you entered my FREE PHOTO CONTEST for April yet?
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Just look up the RULES  HERE.

This month's theme is:
Enter by midnight, April 30, 2010!!


  1. Yes, they are beautiful, and you're right that just looking at them makes me feel serene. They are lovely animals. Thanks for sharing your pictures with me!

  2. You always make me feel warm and toastie when looking at the photos you take. But these are wonderful, thanks for sharing and giving us something to gaze at.
    God Bless dear friend.

  3. Oh, My! I don't blame you fro making him turn around and go back. How beautiful!!!!!!

  4. The swans are so beautiful and graceful. You sure got some great pics.

  5. and now you have made my day...swan are truly beautiful creatures...and make me think of my wife dancing ballet...

  6. Beauties! Elegance itself! What great pictures you always take. Bravo!

  7. Wonderful swan pics. They remind me of my sister who passed away a little over a year ago. As she was nearing the end of her time on earth she kept commenting on the beautiful river with swans. She repeated it over a course of several days and she found such comfort in that image.

  8. There is something about swans that make me think of grace and calm and beauty. These are wonderful pictures of the swans, and yes I would jump out of a car to get these photos too.

  9. DJan: You are so welcome...thanks for always visiting my blog and for giving me words of inspiration to keep taking photos.

    Carol: No problem, you are most welcome..and I love all of your photos too...its always a treat to open up your blog to see what you have photographed.

    Joanie:They were indeed lovely!

    Eva: I could watch them glide on the water forever.

    Ann: Thanks...I feel very lucky to live where I live and to be able to capture nature everywhere here.

    Brian: If she is as graceful as those swans, she must dance very beautifully then..because those birds are awesome.

    Tatyana: I love all birds, but swans are in a class all by themselves..they are just captivating!

    Cher: What a beautiful story..we can all only hope that she glimpsed heaven and that it is something we can all look forward to..if there are swans in heaven, I, for one, will be one happy lady. :0}

    TechnoBabe: I have only caught them in the wild a few times with my camera....but everytime I do see them it is a thrill and I am in awe of them. I don't want to leave them when I am near them. Totally captivating birds.

  10. Hi Joan, how gorgeous!!!! There's nothing any prettier than a swan, I don't think... I would make George turn around also just so that I could get a picture!!!!

    Thanks for such a cal, refreshing post today. This is nature at its best.

  11. Betsy: a swan sure IS nature at its best..they are truly lovely creatures!
    Thanks, Betsy!

  12. The swans definitely made me feel good. I tried to get a picture of a couple of swans about a month ago, but they were too far away to get anything good.

  13. They are so beautiful. There is nothing more relaxing that to watch such lovely creatures glide across the water. That one shot is very much like a dream.

  14. Ratty: Yes, we have a pond where I saw some with babies last year..I went back THREE times to capture them on camera and they swam way to the back of pond where there is a swamp and I couldn't get them close enough...! but I just got a new camera with a 300mm lens on the way, so I hope to go back and get them this year if they come back to the same spot!

    SquirrelQueen: I was so glad and happy to get to photograph them.

  15. It did, swans seem to have that effect on me too!

  16. Jientje: Good..glad I could relieve some stress for you today!!

  17. Far Side: thanks so much! Aren't they lovely?


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