Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where have all the photos gone????......


What is going on??
Where have all the photos gone, long time passing?

Did you FORGET that there is a deadline?
This is a "get off your butts and go out and GET that photo" reminder to enter

As of TODAY, I only have two photos entered into the March photo contest!

What's up with THAT?
I know you can find some awesome pictures...I have seen them on your blogs!

And, you don't even need to be a blogger to enter...anyone can enter!!!

So, get off the computer, go out in the fresh air, (or find something inside your house!)
that is
"Something GREEN or Something IRISH"

enter your photo into my free contest
before midnight
March 31st

Just follow the EASY RULES by clicking on the link.
I'm waiting..................
(she says, tapping her foot impatiently).......
I have other blogposts below this one, so drop on down and read them.
(This one is just me, begging for more photo entries to be sent to me!)


  1. Together: It is...!! Please consider entering. It costs nothing and we have had two so far and everyone has such fun. If you win, you get a widget to display on your blog saying you won that month's contest AND you get in the final contest of all the 12 winners to compete for the picture of the YEAR!!

    Brian: Oh good...then maybe I will get one from you! With those two darling boys and your love of life I know you will come up with something fantastic!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog! I really appreciate it.
    Also your photo contest looks like fun. I am not much of a photogragher, but I might have to join in one of these months!
    Have a great day

  3. I do hope you get more entries as I enjoy seeing what people send in and then who wins.

    Hard time reading your message Joan, could be my eyes but the print is dark on a dark background. I had to move to the window and tilt my screen to be able to see you
    .......:-) Hugs

  4. You will get one from me for sure. I have a shot in mind but can't get it to turn out right....


  5. I'm lovin' the new blog look!!! I'll be sending you a picture, pronto!

  6. I'm sorry Joan, I know I said I would and I'll still try. It's been a very stressful 2 weeks for my husband and I so everything has been on the fritz pretty much.

    I'll do my best! Maybe even go through some archives ; )


  7. Hi Joan, I hope that everyone is just waiting 'til the last minute. I love your contests and all of the pictures are always good.... Hopefully, you'll end up with ALOT. Me???? I have nothing green... Even our yard is still brown!!!! ha


  8. Unfortunately, I'm not in the position (literally) to take pics. I can't go outside and there's nothing green in my bedroom.


    Maybe next month...

  9. Sara:yes, please send in a photo..I would love that.

    Bernie: thanks for letting me know..I did the post from my Mac computer and with the new blogger it made the print much smaller than with my other computer when it published. Isn't that weird? Anyway, I increased the print size so it should show up better now.

    SquirrelQueen: I have been waiting for yours to come in....

    Lynn: YAY! I will be waiting to get it!

    New England: Don't let me stress you out, I would never want that...only enter if it is something you really want to do...I will have another one starting in April if it is easier for you to do it then! :0} Hope things get less stressful for you he ill?

    Betsy: I bet you have a photo in your archives you can submit!!! (hint, hint) :-}

    JJ: You get a raincheck, honey....but I'll want one from you for April's contest! Hurry and get better!!!

  10. I took some photos just today that I had in mind just for your contest. I've been searching for the perfect one, but I think I might already have it. Mine will be arriving as soon as the critical eye I have for myself looks a little bit the other way. :)

  11. Ratty: Good news for me! Please DO submit would be wonderful to see what you enter! And keep in mind that I will be doing this every month through December this year!!

  12. NO, no, no! Don't listen to her. I am one of the few who submitted, which means I might actually have a chance to win! Just don't send any pictures in, okay?

  13. DJan: You are so funny! I am so glad you entered. Your photo is wonderful!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: