Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Glorious Mackinac Bridge (on ice!)

When we went to visit fellow Blogger Shelley and her husband Greg, we had to drive west across the Upper Peninsula and over the great
Mackinac Bridge.

For those of you that have never seen the
Mackinac Bridge, I am doing my post today with some pictures of the "Mighty Mac"
along with the neat ice flows that were present.

So, here we were in the U.P., approaching the bridge:

Approaching the crest of the bridge:

Looking over the rails at the ice flows while going over the bridge:
(Don't worry, Paul was driving, not ME!)

The crest of the Bridge:
(I have always LOVED that sillouette)

Looking back at the bridge from the "mitten side" of Michigan (downstate Michigan):

Ice, sun and the glorious Mackinac Bridge:

Icy Lake Michigan and the Bridge:

I am always thrilled to see the Bridge.
It is exceptionally wonderful to see the ice flows on shore and in the big lake:

Wanna go sunbathing on the beach?:

I hope you get to see it in person someday.

In upcoming posts, I will share some more shots of the Lake Michigan shoreline full of ice.

*Update: This was pre-published....since taking these photos, we have had some glorious days in the 50's and 60's.... a lot of this snow and ice is melting fast and this area does not look this "wintery" anymore!


  1. shivers...glad it is warming shots of the bridge though.

  2. Wonderful pictures .... and thanks for the news that the weather has improved since they were taken!

  3. LOVE that bridge. Years ago when my mom and I were heading to St. Ignace for a weekend get-away, on our approach there were signs posting slow speeds on the bridge due to high winds! Made for a very white-knuckle drive across!!

  4. How I wish to be seeing that bridge oh so soon! Hope you enjoyed your visit! :)

  5. When I lived in Michigan I think we went over that bridge a couple of times to get to the U.P., but I don't think I stopped to really look. So thanks!

  6. OK, I guess I'm getting a little homesick now. The first glimps of the Mighty Mac always brings tears to my eyes when we've been gone for a while.

  7. I love visiting your blog, I feel like I have been touring. Thanks for taking the time to photograph and share. And also your thoughts on my blog. You have really helped me. God Bless.

  8. Brian: is a very cool bridge...all the Yoopers love coming "home" by crossing it from downstate to the U.P.

    Alan: yes, it is abnormally warm here this time of year...usually we still have snow in our yard until the end of April, but I only have a few 2 foot patches left. :0}

    Ashley: And let me know when you DO..would love to meet with you!

    Jeanette: yes, it frequently gets high winds and they have had to close it many times. Once I had a car breakdown and I had to drive with the guy that hoisted my car on the back of his wrecker across the bridge and the wind was blowing hard..I could see my car swaying behind his truck...I thought I would faint. ha

    DJan: It is gorgeous if you can see Mackinac Island on a clear day and the Grand Hotel on the cliffs there....just beautiful!

    Cathy: Yes, I feel that way too...and when we approach the hills of Marquette I always feel like I am home.

    Carol: I am so glad, Carol...time will really be a help to you.

  9. Those are beautiful photos. I wish we had seen the bridge when we traveled across tge country! I don't think those of us who don't live near the great lakes realize how huge the lakes really are!

  10. The bridge is gorgeous, look similar to Penang Bridge over Straits of Melaka.

  11. Thanks Joan for some fabulous pictures of the "Mighty Mac"..... I haven't been there ---but hope to someday. I just can't get over all of that ICE.... Glad that Spring is finally coming to your area.

  12. Wonderful pictures of the Mighty Mac.
    I too am in awe every time we cross the bridge. Coming north, we know we are only an hour from home sweet home!

  13. Great shots! We have bridges all over the bay but it's never cold enough for ice around here. I need to bust out my camera again... I had a bunch of pictures from my friend's house in the mountains but I've been having hard drive issues :op

    On a totally different note- I totally agree about what you say re: most folks my age being financially independent. I am more than ready to be, in terms of being sick and tired of relying on my parents. Generally, I pay for most of my stuff myself already. Unfortunately, the original terms we had discussed were that they'd help with just the basics like gas and groceries while I'm in school, since I can't work full time, or get a second job.

    Most of my friends who had no parental support at school did work-study programs where they could work in the dining hall or library to put towards school costs, but unfortunately the PA program I applied to said there's no time for that :o/ Looks like I'll just have to play the lotto! :o)

  14. I always loved that bridge! These are beautiful photos of it!! I have some form the 70's but not as nice and bright and clear as these are. Thanks for the memories Joan!!

  15. Good to know you were not driving and snapping photos at the same time. The photos are really nice, a couple of the bridge are spectacular.

  16. Rainfield: Would love to see your bridge someday!

    Eva: You are correct...they are the size of small seas!

    Betsy: If you come up, you have to let me know and we will meet with you!

    Jan: Where do you live?

    VaBookworm: I know it is very difficult...when my daughter went for her masters she had to work and do the credits more slowly...but she did it, living by herself and we are so proud of her!! Hang in there...and keep looking at other options, maybe getting a roommate to help share costs?

    Ginnymo: You are will have to take another trip up soon.

    TechnoBabe: Thanks...that bridge is beautiful almost any time of the year.

  17. WOW this bridge is spectaculor, love these photos....:-) Hugs

  18. Kinda reminds me of the Golden Gate Bridge (which I love!).

    I've wanted to go to Mackinac Island, ever since I saw Somewhere in Time.

  19. Bernie: Thanks...I hope you can see the bridge for yourself, someday.

    JJ: Yes, it does look like the Golden Gate. My brother worked at the Grand Hotel where the film was made and I worked on the island too for one whole is a fantastic place!

  20. I have never crossed it in the winter! These are gorgeous photos, and I can't wait to show them to my oldest son. He is a bit of a bridge fanatic, with Mackinaw being number one!

  21. Wintery or not, this bridge is always great to see. I hope to get to travel on it one of these days. This has always been one of my favorite bridges.

  22. I have never seen it before! It is so beautiful! I would love to see it in person.

  23. Maniacal: I hope he enjoys the photos...the bridge is pretty any of the seasons!

    Ratty: I sure hope you do too...and if you do, I hope you let me know so we can meet?

    Sara: I hope you can see it in person some would love it.

  24. What a great bridge, it looks so beautiful against the blue sky. All the photos are great but I love the one showing the crest of the bridge, wow!

  25. SquirrelQueen: Thanks so is a fantastic bridge...any photo of it would turn out marvelous!

  26. I love the Mackinaw Bridge, although it has been a few years since I have visited. I am looking forward to going again soon. Thinking maybe a day trip might be called for real soon.

  27. Christy: If you live close enough to come up, let me know...maybe we could meet!!

  28. The only bridge nearby here is over the Cimarron River (and lots of little creeks) and it's not that kind of bridge. Those are beautiful shots.

  29. I love bridges, did you know that? Unfortunately, I don't think we have such spectacular ones in Belgium. I photographed the Normandy Bridge in France though. And I saw a very nice one in Lissabon.

  30. Grannyann: Thanks so much. Yes, the Mac Bridge is known world-wide. When we had an exchange student from Spain, she knew about the bridge from school over there.

    Jientje: I am so glad you love bridges and that I posted about it for you, then!


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