Sunday, March 28, 2010

Icy Lighthouse

As you know from my other blogposts, we went to meet another Blogger (Shelley from Birding in Michigan and Building a Log Cabin) in Mackinaw City, Michigan.

Mackinac City lies just south of the U.P. by the Mackinac Bridge.

While there, I had to stop by the shore and take pictures of the Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse.  It was built in 1892.

I always like looking up at the top of lighthouses:

And at the lighthouse peaks and roof:
(Somebody needs to wash the windows up there!)

But I loved the brick and the side windows on this one and how it is tucked into the corner of the Lightkeeper's  house:

It is now the cornerstone for a lovely park:

I also loved the red roof:

The lighthouse and park overlooked the lonely and icy lake:

I loved it:
...and I wondered how many lighthouse keepers lived there in the past...

Keeping watch for big ore boats on the lake:

And shining the light to lead the sailors to safety:

The park was abandoned, except for me, bracing the wind to take my photographs.

I wonder how lonely the Lighthouse Keeper was all winter long there.

If you get a chance, go to the link above about the lighthouse, it has some fascinating history and shows you a map of where it is located.

DON'T forget to enter my FREE photography contest for only have THREE days left! March's theme is "Something Green or Something Irish"....make sure you get your entries in my midnight on March 31st, following THESE RULES.


  1. That's an interesting lighthouse. It almost has a church feel to it. I like the windows in the stairwell, pretty neat.

    I'm thinking the 'windows' are actually made out of metal with mirror type finishes on the inside on the inside to reflect the light further out into the water. What do you think?

    Was it cold? It looks cold! Do you know how old the lighthouse is?


  2. I've thoroughly enjoyed all these amazing photos this morning. Shelley and Greg live near where my husband grew up. Wishing you a wonderful Easter week.

  3. I'm a sucker for lighthouses and beautiful architecture. Love these pics!

  4. What wonderful photos. I love the fact that it's made of brick!

  5. I love lighthouses! This one looks so modern and new?

  6. New England: I once had a book about all the lighthouses around all the great lakes! But I don't know if I sold it before I got into photography or what! So now, I am going to purchase another one that has all of the Lake Superior ones...then my goal will be to visit all of those and take photos...I have seen about 6 already. ha

    Mildred: How neat that you know Shelley and now are reading my blog..thanks so much!

    50cent: Welcome aboard! I hope you join(ed) my blog as a Follower and will continue to read my blog...I do lots of nature photo and plenty of lighthouses and bridges. ha

    Eva: Me too...I have seen a couple of others like that too, and it is a nice change from the normal black and white ones.

    Jientje: No, it is a very old one...from on the link in the blogpost (click on the lighthouse's name) and you will get more info on it! :-}

  7. Wow. This is beautiful architecture. Lovely pictures.
    The windows need to be washed though... hehe

    Have a great day!:)

  8. What a lovely lighthouse. I love the red roof and the stonework.

  9. I love this posting but it gives me the chills, thinking of the wind whipping across the open water ~ I think you need to come visit my post today to warm up a little "hugs"

  10. Very cool! There are a lot of light houses along the NC coast.

  11. Mr.Stupid: So nice to see you comment on the blog! Yes the windows definitely needed a wash..but I wouldn't want to climb up there on a ladder to do it, would you??? ha

    Loree: That's what I liked about it too!

    Cher: I will! But I will be jealous. ha

    Otin: I would love to come and see them...that is a beautiful state...we drove thru there (but not on the coast) two years ago.

  12. To answer your question: Crystal Falls!

  13. Wow, Cher..we are definitely going to have to meet someday!

  14. The red roof was such a beautiful addition to a historic site. As an artist it makes my heart sing.

  15. Great post Joan, I don't know anyone who doesn't love lighthouses
    Happy Sunday.......:-) Hugs

  16. So you are a lighthouse lover too? Or just a lover of lovers? A lover of love? Oh heck, I've run out of superlatives again!

  17. I love lighthouses and this one is magnificent. The architecture is very interesting and a little different that the ones I have seen here on the West Coast. That red roof is great.

  18. What a wonderful pictoral visit to this beautiful, somewhat lonely, lighthouse! I love lighthouses and enjoy learning about the various ones on our coasts and lakes.

  19. Carol: Yes, I found it very artistic too..and especially since no one was around!

    Bernie: That is so true, Bernie..they are just romantic structures!

    DJan: you are so cute! Yes I am a lover of lighthouses and of lovers and of love. ha

    SquirrelQueen: yes, I found it stately and wonderful and the red roof just "does it" for it, doesn't it?

    RNSane: Me, too...I always wonder about the lighthouse keepers and families and what it was like when it was first built.

    Pearl: Yes, I love "traveling" through other people's eyes and blogs!

  20. Hi Joan, I am so fascinated by lighthouses. When I was in the New England area, we saw several lighthouses from Maine through Mass. I too wonder how lonely the lighthouse keepers must have been.

    Great pictures...

  21. Lighthouses are so much part of history everywhere. They are fascinating aren't hey? This one looks strong and I too like the windows. Nice pictures, all of them.

  22. Betsy: Did you take pictures for us of the lighthouses???

    TechnoBabe: They sure are fascinating! Thanks so much for the wonderful compliments on my photos!

  23. I also love lighthouses, and this one was a beauty. The tan brick and the red roof just made it stand out so much! And I love those three windows in the middle.
    Great shots!

  24. Ashley: Me too!

    Luci: Thanks so much...I am compelled to take photos whenever I see a lighthouse! :o}

  25. Great shots of that lonely yet brave lighthouse!

  26. Ladyfi: thanks...I love all of the lighthouses, it would be hard for me to pick a favorite. :0}

  27. Grannyann: Thanks! You know ME,I can't pass up opportunities to take photos of lighthouses! ha

  28. That's the first time I've ever seen a lighthouse done in brick like that. I really like it.

  29. You know what's sad to me is that I lived in NC for 5 years and NEVER MADE IT TO THE LIGHTHOUSES THERE. Sooo sad.

    I can't wait to show them to my kids one day.

  30. Ratty: Thanks, I did too!

    Kearsie: Oh no! What a shame...that is another place on my wish list to visit someday..we have been in that state and it is beautiful, but we didn't go to the coast...


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