Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tahquamenon Falls in the Winter

I know that by the time this gets published, most of the snow in these pictures will have melted.
I took them during the first week of March.

Remember early last fall, when I went and met with Cathy, from YOOPER YARNS near Newberry, Michigan?

Remember how we hiked into beautiful Tahquamenon Falls and got some autumn pictures?

Well, it was always my intention to try to get back to the falls and capture some winter photos of the falls, because I knew it would be spectacular.

I had hoped for a little more ice at the falls, but this winter, for some reason, we had abnormally mild temperatures and less snow and ice than usual.

But, nonetheless, the falls were still awesome in the winter scene.
We were lucky.

Although the trails still had plenty of snow on them, it was a gorgeous, sunny day in the high 40'sF and the snowmobiles had packed down the trail enough that we did not need snowshoes to hike in.

We actually got kind of hot hiking in all our winter gear.

And we didn't see another soul during the entire walk in and out.

All that beauty and no one there!

Here are the stairs down to one of the falls lookouts:
See? Not even any snow on the stairs!  (Good thing, I probably would've slipped down all of them if they had been icy!)

Looking across the falls to the far side, there was mist and plenty of wonderful rock wall icicles!:

You know me, I'm a pushover for icicles. They make me weak in the knees:

I loved the mix of the rushing falls right next to this gigantic icicle and snow:

Sooo pretty:

I love the forces of nature, no matter what the season:

The day was perfect, and we had it all to ourselves:

Fabulous force!:

The gorge with ice next to the river and close to the falls:

Some information on the falls and river and a nice lookout spot:

The falls, pouring right into the river of snow!:

A view from farther down the river:

A gorgeous day and gorgeous falls:
We strolled back to the car in the winter sunshine, happy to have shared this wonderful scenery that Mother Nature had provided to us.
ONLY ONE day left to enter my free photo contest. Please get your entries in by midnight, March 31st, following THESE RULES.
March's theme is: Something Green or Something Irish


  1. Lovely set of photos, as usual. I also love the rushing water next to the icicles.

  2. DJan: thanks...it was such a nice day that day!

  3. Wonderful photos! But the water looks sooooooooooo cold!

  4. LOVE Tahquamenom falls! I haven't been there in about 5 years! I think I'm overdue!

  5. I love waterfalls and lighthouses too. Your photos are very nice. I'm glad that you commented on my blog so I could find yours.

  6. Wow...those are very nice. You are inspiring me to get out of the house more...

  7. Breathtakingly beutiful !
    It's hard to imagine the sheer strength created by the water, and I just bet the noise was deafening.
    Thanks for sharing, they are the most wonderful shots !

  8. Gorgeous waterfall and icicles, Joan... Glad the steps down to the overlook were clear.. When we hiked down the steps to see Looking Glass Falls (near Brevard, NC)---they were VERY slick!!!!

    Thanks for sharing. I want to visit that waterfall SOMEDAY....


  9. These are the best photos I have seen on your blog I think. Very very lovely.

  10. Lovely photos. Those icicles look gorgeous.

  11. Eva: I bet the water WAS cold!

    Jeanette: I know! They are fabulous..we just went in the fall but I had to go back to see what they look like in the winter.

    James: I am so glad you took me up on my invitation to stop by..and I see you did join on as a Follower...thanks SO much...I will enjoy your blog too!

    Pat: You are so right...ever since I took up photography I have gone out so much more and enjoyed it so much more.

    Brit: It was deafening and thanks so much...it really was gorgeous there.

    Betsy: You are one brave woman...I'd be too afraid of breakin my hip or leg if they would have been slick and probably would not have climbed down there if I were you!

    TechnoBabe:Thanks so much!!

    Loree: Thanks! I loved the icicles too.

  12. What awesome pictures! You are so brave to go out there so close to all that rushing water. I've been there in the summer before. back in the 70's. Beautiful spot.

  13. The pics are so beautiful!!!

  14. I really like those stairs. Whenever I see stairs like these I always want to walk up and then down them. Yours are so much bigger than I've ever been on. And waterfalls are always some of my favorite things.

  15. Ginnymo: so you have been there? Yes, it is an amazing set of falls!

    Sara: Thanks, Sweetie!

    Ratty: The stairs are long, I got tired on the way back up and had to rest. LOL

  16. I have never been in the winter. Thank you for sharing!

  17. I have to wait for another year to see your photos of winter.

  18. Gorgeous photos, my friend!!

    and now I have to pee.

  19. Incredible beauty, with the icicles and snow and the majesty of the falls themselves. Many years ago, I went to Iguazu Falls on the Argentinian - Brazilian border. Stayed overnight there, on the Argentinian side...at the Hotel Internacional. Unbelievable jungle splendor ( no snow there ), macaws and toucans flying about, massive roar from dozens of falls and, of course, there's Devil's Throat. I believe the falls are nine times the volume of Niagra. Sometime, if you haven't seen Robert DeNiro in "The Mission", rent it and you'll see Iguazu.

  20. That really is a wonderful looking place. I bet it is real nice in the summer too.

  21. What a tremendous sight. I can see why you keep returning to the area. It is wonderful and so are you photos.

  22. Ashley: You have never been in winter????? Wow! You would love the photo opps it would give you!

    Rainfield: Yep..but don't worry, it will be back before you know it...I will love seeing the spring, summer and fall in the meantime! :0}

    Kearsie: Good thing, then that I didn't show a mudslide. hee hee

    RNSane: They sound INCREDIBLE!

    Otin: they really are...if you go to the the bottom of the page, you'll see a Lijit search...if you put in the name "Tahquamenon Falls" I have posted other blogposts with pictures of them in the autumn too...but also, don't worry..I am sure we will go back in the summer and take more photos then too and repost some.

    Grannyann: Thanks!

    LD: thanks so much...yes, they are a gorgeous set of falls! The U.P.'s mini Niagra Falls!

  23. The icicles next to the falls are breathtaking!

  24. Jientje: Thanks so much..I loved them too!

  25. It does look like a gorgeous day. I love seeing those giant icicles next to the falls.

    In case you haven't looked Suzie answered your questions in the comments of her guest post.

  26. SquirrelQueen: I was hoping the falls were a little more frozen over when we went there, but I was happy there were some icicles left, at least...next year I will have to go there a little earlier to get more ice on them for photos. Thanks, I will get back to your post and see how she answered my questions!!


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