Sunday, March 14, 2010

Canyon Falls in the Winter: Part TWO

This is part of of a series of blogposts that I am doing on my snowshoe walk into Canyon Falls in Baraga County, Michigan.

If you haven't seen Part ONE, please drop below this post and give it a read!

So we continued down the trail, where we could see glimpses of the river under the snow and ice along the way.

The woods themselves were gorgeous, even without the river.

I loved this little bridge in the snow path:

We spied the neatest tree and root full of snow along the way:

Here is a close-up of the twisted tree root:

All along the way, there were little rapids and tiny falls, giving us a glimse of the river under the snow and ice:

The air was so fresh and the sun, so lovely:

I loved this little ice curtain on the riverbank's edge:

And the little ice "foot" sticking out of the icy bank (in the lower right side of this shot):

And a ton of tiny ice stalagtites hanging down over the river:

And frothy bubbles in the ice cold stream:

Stay tuned for more pictures of our snowshoe trip to Canyon Falls
in my next blogpost......


  1. I am just so blown away by your photography! You should take the same pictures in the summer and compare the difference.

  2. love teh pics...the twisted roots were my natures art...

  3. A refreshing blogpost. So cool and fresh.

  4. Oh, I like the new look of your blog, Joan. And of course these pictures continue to inspire me. I see you are still racking up the followers! Well deserved.

  5. Otin: I do have some from the autumn too..I will have to take some "four seasons" shots and do that post sometime...

    Brian: I loved those twisted roots see some great art in the forest!

    Rainfield: Thanks, it was definitely fresh out there and gorgeous.

  6. So pretty! Love the last picture in particular!

  7. You certainly are an outdoor person. You have such a good eye for the camera.

  8. Gorgeous Joan... I love your ice pictures. They are awesome. Also the Hemlocks in the 5th picture almost made me cry... Why you ask???? WELL--there is a beetle infestation down here eating our Hemlocks. The Smokies have lost tons and tons of the beautiful Hemlocks. SO SAD!

    Did someone carve out your path---or did you all do it????? I wouldn't know where the path was I'm afraid...

    Another great post.

  9. Love the new look Joan..... again another beautiful group of photos, I have to say the bridge was a real favorite.......:-) Hugs

  10. Love the new look Joan, again another beautiful group of photos. My favorite is the bridge scene, beautiful my friend....:-) Hugs

  11. DJan: Thanks so much...and I always love your hiking in the mountain pictures...

    Bossy: thanks! It was so perfect out there that day, I could have taken a million more photos!

    TechnoBabe: I will let you in on a secret...when I was younger I was more outdoorsy, then I hated it for a while...but then, I discovered nature photography and fell in love all over again with EVERYTHING outdoors, even the ordinary because I saw it all fresh again through the lenses...I even hated winter before here, but now I love being here when it snows, storms, freezes, and thaws.

    Betsy: Thanks, honey! I love Hemlocks I would be equally sad if you are losing yours there. The path looked like others had been there about 3 or 4 days before us, using cross country skis...we didn't see anyone else's snowshoe tracks and there was a little snow over the path so we knew no one had been there for a few days.

    Bernie: Thanks, I liked the choices they had to use on the blogs makes it easier for someone who just plays at creativity of the layout and not enough to do their own changes. ha I am glad you liked the photos, I think of you a lot when I am out there taking them, I know they give you pleasure seeing them.

  12. As always the virtual walk with you, makes me remember the feel and smell of winter snow. I love the new birth of all life. Thanks for reminding me how beautiful it is.

  13. Beautiful....
    Say, what is all that frosty looking white stuff on the ground?
    It looks cold!

    Pat, in southern california

  14. They are all so very beautiful. The snow and water are both so very sculptural. I hope that you do warm up though and we can look forward to this season again next year.

  15. I absolutely love the bubbles picture! (Again that old camera envy is kicking in. I've got to put a new one on my Easter list - instead of candy. Didn't work in my letter to Santa but, hey, who knows? It's worth a try!)

  16. I love love love the new look of your blog!

    That little bridge in the post and the waterfalls had me instantly liking that place. I also love those bubbles on the water.

  17. Beautiful! The last one of the frothy bubbles is so cool. You are making me miss the snow we didn't have this year.

    Looking forward to more photos and I can't wait to see the falls.

  18. Beautiful LARGE photos, Joan, almost like I'm there myself. Loved the bridge and the frothy bubbles, plus the new look!

  19. Carol: you are welcome! I smell the ocean whenever you post your posts, too..isn't it wonderful that we can all do some armchair traveling through each others' blogs?

    Pat: Come up to the U.P. (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan,and I'd be happy to show you the white stuff in person so you can get acquainted with it. ha

    L.D.: It is melting so fast here...but of course in the middle of the forest, there is still plenty of snow left yet here!

    Ramblin: Tell that Easter Bunny that you have been verrrrry good this year! I'll be hoping for you! If you get one and you want a Point and Shoot, make sure you ask for the Panasonic Lumix!

    Ratty: Thanks so much, I really like Blogger's new templates and choices...when I saw the rocks and water one, I had to get it because it looks SO much like the rivers up here in the U.P.

    SquirrelQueen: Then there will be a surprise for you on the last post of this series!

    Wanda: Thanks so much! I love being able to take these pictures of nature for others to enjoy as much as I do!

  20. You should be ashamed, taking such beautiful pics. I am using the snow scene from the pics before this one. The little path through the snow in the woods as my desktop. So here I sit looking at that scene and wondering why I am so cold!!!

  21. Grannyann: Remember they are copyrighted....but since you asked if you could use one or two for your desktop photos, you are okay. :-}
    It was such a beautiful day out there, with all that sun, it was actually really warm with our light coats on..of course I was hot from hiking there with my snowshoes on and all that exercise too. ha

  22. Your ice pictures are so pretty they almost make me love Winter!

  23. Jientje: Thanks, would've loved that day, it was warm and lovely out there.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: