Friday, March 12, 2010

Canyon Falls in the Winter: Part ONE

On March 2, we planned a trip I had been wanting to do ever since I fractured my foot.

There is a waterfall about 20 miles from where we live that I have taken photos of before and posted on my blog.

But they have always been spring, summer or fall photos of this wonderful set of falls, but I have never been there in the winter before.

So when the Dr. said I was allowed to snowshoe now, I KNEW where I wanted to go!

I know your weather is probably warm by now and all your snow is probably melted.

We are starting to get 30's and 40's F. with sunshine, too and things are beginning to melt, verrrrrry slowly.

But on March 2nd?

We still had plenty of snow in the woods.

So put up your feet and come with me, won't you???

As soon as we parked the car and donned our snowshoes, we headed down the path into the woods:

As you can see, it was a GORGEOUS, sunshiney day!

We hadn't gone too far and there was a peek at the river, bubbling amongst the ice!:

But a lot of the river was still buried under the snow. I didn't mind, because I love looking at the neat snow and ice formations along winter river banks:

Can't you just hear the loud babbling of the winter river over these rocks?
It was heavenly!:
I wish I could have bottled the freshness in the air that day. YUMMY!

And the ice formations, spashing stream and bubbles???? LOVED them!:

Ooooooo....and the ICE walls!!!!:

It was just pristine. The snow was brilliant white without any disturbance along its banks as we got a glimpse of a tiny waterfall shelf:

And of course, I had to play with icicle shots in black and white.
Because I am a drama queen like that....

Or if you prefer a quiet winter water hole in the forest, I found that too:

I found so much beauty out there.
Even in little water hole glimpses of the river with its sheet of ice trying to melt:

As usual, I took a ton of photos, so I will continue this series over the next few days.

I am so glad you got to come along with me on my trip to the falls!


  1. Absolutely fabulous set of photographs. The clarity of the shots emphasises the clarity of the sharp winter day. Next best thing to a visit.

  2. Alan: thanks so much! It was such a pretty day out there the day we went. I could've stayed out there forever (except eventually I probably would've gotten cold and succumbed to hypothermia. ha)

  3. phenomenal the various textures...imagine it to be refreshing as well...

  4. That first shot is so pristine and reminds me of the singular beauty we have in winter. Here I need to go into the mountains to find snow, and it's not that gorgeous stuff but more what they call "Cascade concrete." Thanks for the lovely journey into your woods.

  5. beautiful pics & ur description of the falls, river, snow are heavenly!
    So fortunate to be near such idyllic surroundings, wish I could join you...

  6. You have a ton of pictures, I have a ton of pleasure.

  7. Very nice, like Alan, I was fascinated with the detail and clarity you were able to capture with such brilliant reflected light.
    Just beautiful, and yes I could hear the babbling brook!
    What a Winter Wonderland (is that still Michigan's slogan?)

  8. Love it! So beautiful! I live in a place where there is no snow, but grew up in a snowy area. These pictures brought back a lot of memories. Thanks!

  9. When it comes to water photography, you are the best. I knew they wouldn't be a common set of photos but a great view from all angles with lots of action. I have been wondering how the foot was doing. Snow shoes helped to get through all that snow. We are finally melting into this muddy mess.

  10. You take such clear, sharp, beautiful photos!

  11. What a wonderful walk today Joan, these are perfect....:-) Hugs

  12. Majestic! Your pictures are a real treat, especially for us since our winter was snowless.

  13. Wow, I haven't seen snow in a while and your pictures are fabulous. Thanks. Now I think I'll make a cup of hot chocolate! :-)

  14. You will have to remember to go back in the spring or summer and see what these places look like. I think we will all be surprised.

  15. Wow---how gorgeous, Joan... That is snow and icicles that I absolutely LOVE. WOW--how beautiful... Cannot wait to see Canyon Falls.

    Have a great weekend.

  16. Brian: It was the perfect combination out there...warm sun on your face, crisp 40's and fresh, fresh air to breathe in and out as you hiked. Perfect stillness except the babbling of the brook as you hiked. Not even birds were singing...I didn't want to come in after the hike. One of those days when you want to embrace nature in one big hug.

    DJan: My pleasure..I love "hiking with" you in the mountains too.

    Smita: You are welcome, I wish I could take you with me too...are you new to my blog? I hope you join(ed) on as a Follower to my blog, it would be great to have you stop by often!

    Rainfield: Aren't our worlds so totally different and our beauty still present in both environments!? That is what is so cool about nature!

    GoingLikeSixty: Yes, it is one of Michigan's slogans...but up here in the U.P.(Upper Peninsula) we also call it "God's Country" which pretty much sums it up. ha

    Bossy: You are most welcome...stop by often and I hope you signed up to my blog as a Follower!

    Bernie: Thanks..I took that almost a week ago..things are melting fast here...but it is too soon...I know we will get plenty of snow yet here. ha

    Tatyana: I am ready to be snowless and for spring to come, but I do enjoy this time of year because I love the transformation to spring from winter.

    Writing: I hope you stop by often, I love new readers and people to chat with.

    Abraham: for sure...things here look TOTALLY different in all four of our is what I love the most about living here...we have four different lives/years packed into ONE calendar year. ha

    L.D.: Ours is melting down fast too and it is too early..we usually have one or two more blizzards yet...not that I am complaining but I am afraid the buds will get hurt!

    Eva: Thanks honey!

  17. Such special photos, Joan...almost makes me miss my snow that melted last week! :)

  18. These are great photos of all the water. I especially like the clean untouched look of the snow in the last two.

  19. What a beautiful set of pictures! Very cold looking, but very beautiful.

  20. WOW! We were at Canyon Falls in the summer of 2008! We did not even know it was there, just saw the roadside sign and decided to stop and walk to it. It was GORGEOUS and worth every minute of that pretty walk! Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!

  21. Betsy: I have plenty of photos coming..I know how YOU TWO like falls.ha

    Wanda: Believe it or not, ours is melting fast..these were taken last week and pre-published...however as of today ,we still have lots of snow still in the woods.

    Ratty: We are melting here fast..these photos and the other ones I will be posting were taken last week and put on a pre-publishing schedule.

    Otin: Thanks so much. I pre-published these, and the other ones coming up...they were taken last week and now it is starting to melt here.

    Jeanette: How neat that you have BEEN there! It is gorgeous in all four seasons..this is the first time I have been in there in the winter, and I am SO glad we went!

  22. You have such lovely places nearby. Your photos make me wish I could get out into the countryside a bit, but I'll settle for seeing your pix instead.

  23. Dr, just to clarify, I meant that I will "settle" for giving up the fresh air and exercise, and just have the pleasure of looking at lovely photos of great outdoor places!

  24. What awesome photos Joan!!! It looks so beautiful there.

  25. I DO hope some of that snow and ice is starting to melt by now, for goodness sakes!

    Very beautiful indeed Joan. Such clear, fresh water and air. Looks like others had been there before you to take in the beauty as well.

  26. When it melts it is magnificent : ) all that pretty water trickling away! : ) Very nice. Goodbye snowy winter. Hello sunny Spring!

  27. Simply stunning photos! Thank you for taking us along. Hope you have a great weekend. Diana

  28. Blissed Out: Confession here: Before I got into my photography so much, I used to sit and watch it all outside my window and groan....Now? I LOVE storms and to go out hiking in it to capture the beauty.

    Ginnymo: It really is beautiful here...our winters are a bit longer than I would want, but actually this year, we had a mild winter. Of course I took a two week vacation to Florida in December which definitely helped my attitude. ha It is melting like crazy here now.

    New England: Yes, it is melting here now...I took this series last week....but up here, we will get one or two more snowstorms yet before winter gives up!

    Life: Yes, I am ready to welcome spring, for sure!

    Di: Thanks so much...I loved being out there getting them for everyone.

  29. Hi there, I just stumbled upon your site. I like it a great deal and think I'll tag along!

  30. Your photography is keeping you and hubby very active!!! Beautiful shots!

  31. Beautiful pictures. Just stopped by to say hi :)

  32. You know me and your winter snow scenes!!! Loved them

  33. Wonderful pictures, so crisp and clear. I so enjoyed looking at them. I hope you took plenty of sandwiches to sustain you on your walk?
    Blessings, Star

  34. Pat: How wonderful! Thanks for joining me...I will pop over to your site tonight! If you read back some on my posts, you will find that I have a monthly photo I hope you consider sending in an entry!
    Welcome aboard!

    Cathy: Thanks! Yes, it has gotten me some needed exercise this winter, but I sure have enjoyed winter more now that I get out and capture photos of it.

    Lynn: Thanks, so glad you did stop by..been missing you!

    Grannyann: Thanks so much! I know that you are my biggest fan of snow and winter photos...I think of you when I am out there taking them :-}

    Star: No, we took no food..or drink...we should've hauled in liquids because I was very thirsty when we got back to the car. ha

  35. Fantastic photos from start to finish.

    And I love the new blog look. VERY attractive.

  36. Joanna: thanks so much! I love the new layout it from the new blogger draft set they are experimenting was really easy to set up.

  37. I am really enjoying this walk, the snow and ice are beautiful. The shot of the icicles on water in B/W is gorgeous, monochrome does have it advantages with scenes like this one.

    Love your new look, the background is fantastic. I've been looking at some of the new ones pages.

  38. SquirrelQueen: and snow just naturally lead one to try some in black and white! It was fun also jazzing up my blog with Blogger's new draft templates...and it was pretty easy too!

  39. It's so wonderful to come with you and see things I would never see in my neck of the woods. The photos are breathtaking!

  40. Jientje: Thanks so much...I love all of the nature that surrounds us, and being so far north, we get four distinctive seasons which makes each place we explore different in all the four seasons, too!


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