Monday, March 15, 2010

Blogger Meeting!

I had the best day last Thursday!

I got to meet a fellow blogger and her husband!

her husband Greg.

Paul and I on left, and Shelley and Greg on right:
The four of us having a yummy lunch at Mackinaw City, Michigan

(Never mind Paul's hair and don't tell him I posted his picture, he will KILL me! :-} )

The Dymamic Duo of the Blogging World?:
Joan and Shelley
(Partners in crime!)

(Never mind that I look like I didn't sleep (because I got up verrry early to get there) and that my makeup looks like it was patchy (its menopause)....but that Shelley was a cutie!)
It was so great to meet another Blogger and just to visit.

I think we were talking a mile a minute.

I have camera envy of her camera.

We are going to try and go to Isle Royale together this summer, all four of us...
to take pictures of Moose and wild birds and flowers.

It's going to be GREAT FUN!

If you can ever meet up with a fellow Blogger--DO it!

It is so fun getting to know them in person.  It was like we were friends already because of our blogging comments back and forth.

She gave me a cute little tote bag, a greeting card with one of her fabulous pictures on it and a magnet for my refrigerator (which will make me think of her every time I see it and smile!) She also gave my husband some fly fishing flies (yes, it won his heart!) which was very sweet of her.

If you get a chance, stop by her blogs (by clicking on BOTH of the links above). She has the most amazing bird pictures ever and she gives wonderful glimpses of her cabin on a lake...which we hope to visit someday.

We're hoping they will take up our offer to come north to Michigamme to stay at our log home and fish on our lake, too....

Maybe Shelley will find our lake's hidden loons and show me where they are hiding....

Thanks Shelley and Greg, we had a great time and are looking forward to seeing you again soon!!!


  1. Eyes can not lie, and they say that you had a great time!
    Your slide show is tarrific! I love the apples with water drops especially. You are a very good photographer!

  2. That is so exciting! I have enjoyed reading her blog and admiring her pictures. I keep telling myself to get in touch with her as she is only hop, skip away from me! It is fun to meet other blogger buds.
    Thank you so much for your kind words and "knowing" what I have been going through. So many have told me they "saw it coming" but I had no idea. On the mend now, feeling refreshed and this sunshine and spring weather is helping not only me but my Yooper as well.

  3. how very cool...i cant wait to eet some of my fellow bloggers...i ran into one in the bookstore about 6 months ago...we recognized each other from the profile pics...

  4. How fun! I hope to be meeting up with you sometime this summer! :)

    p.s. Love the new look for your blog.

  5. what a fabulous backdrop for your blog!

  6. I love you blog's new look. It's great you got to meet some fellow bloggers. It makes the world seem like a smaller place.

  7. How wonderful to meet a virtual friend who now has been shown to exist in reality as well. I think you look GREAT in that picture, Joan. I will try to meet someone in person and make a post like this. I'm looking forward to it.

  8. Oh ---it's so great to see two of my favorite Blogger friends... I love both Shelley and you, Joan... AND you both look FABULOUS... Glad you two met!!!!


  9. Isn't that fun? My hubby reads my blog every morning to see what we've been doing! :-)
    He has no hair, so no issues there!

  10. How fun to meet another blogger. It's sure is a lot of fun meeting the person behind the blog.
    I love the new look of your blog.

  11. Hey it's so nice to see you both together. I follow both your Blogs and to see you together is a wow moment. Isn't it a great way to make friends, this Blogging lark? I'm so glad you both had such a good day. I live in hope of meeting some of my Blogging friends one day. Thank you for showing us this unique picture.
    PS I know exactly what you mean by feeling you already know each other before you met. It has happened to me too.
    Blessings, Star

  12. What a nice get-together. And I like the new background.

  13. Oh Joan - Greg and I had such a great time meeting you & Paul! I knew I already liked you before I met you - ha!!! Wish our log homes were closer - but then I'd probably be bugging you all the time - ha,ha! I'll be posting about our visit in a few days - I'm cramming for an exam right now. Thank you again for you and your hubby driving so far to meet us. We look forward to visiting w/ you and possibly an Isle Royale adventure!!
    Big Hugs,

  14. I love reading about blogging friends getting together. You and Paul look great as well as Shelley and this post my friend.......:-) Hugs

  15. Tatyana: Thanks so much! yes,it was like I've know Shelley forever.

    DVM's Wife: I am so glad you are feeling better...I think of you so often. And, if you are a hop and a skip from Shelley then we ALL need to get together too...wouldn't that be FUN? Or, if you come up with Yooper again to visit Cathy, Shelley could come up to the U.P. at the same time and we can have a FOUR BlOGGER meeting...I am still thinking of hosting a Northern Michigan meeting of all the Bloggers that live in the U.P. and Michigan who want to come to Northern Michigan to meet...wouldn't that be FABULOUS???

    Brian: How funny! To be in a bookstore and seeing someone and then asking them if they were who you thought they were and finding out they WERE!!! How cool was that?

    Ashley: That will be fabulous..can't WAIT...just let me know when in advance so I am sure to be here for you!

    Roshni: Thanks so much, I love it too.

    Loree: It sure does, I love it...we met Cathy and Dan from Yooper Yarns last fall and I loved that too..I hope to meet many more in person and maybe even have a meeting up here in Northern Michigan for any bloggers that want to come up.

    DJan: It sure know you picture someone to be a certain way, and you are usually right, but also you are surprised about some things too...but bloggers are delightful and I have loved meeting Shelley (and Cathy from Yooper Yarns too). If you ever come to Michigan, you HAVE to let me know, I would love to meet you in person too.

    Betsy: Thanks so much...yes we had a great time, she is a sweetheart. If you come to Michigan you need to let us both know so we can meet up with you...I will be heading down to Florida again in April (at the end of that month) as my youngest daughter will be having a baby then...if we take our car and don't fly, I may give you a call on the way back to Michigan as we will probably be taking I-75 all the way through would be terrific to meet you and George in person too!

    Jenn: Cute! My hubby is always telling me he doesn't want his picture in my blog and up until now, I have held my promise. ha He never reads my blog unless I have him sit with me to look at some of my pictures posted..but I often show him others' blogs and photos on it, which he also enjoys.

    Catherine: Thanks, I looked into the new Blogger templates and I loved that one as it looks like the Lake Superior rocks we have here.

    Star: Yes, I wish I could meet each and everyone of you in person..I love visiting with my blogger friends.

    Blissed Out: Thanks, I really like the new Blogger Templates, I had a hard time deciding which to use, but this one really looks like the Lake Superior rocks we have around here, so it was a winner for me!

    Shelley: Same here, Sweetie..wish we would have had a little more time together, but as it turned out, we just got through with our Taquamenon hike before dark and then drove was a busy day, but we loved it.

    Bossy: It sure was! I wish I could meet each of you in person!

  16. That is so great you got to meet a blogger friend. We all are trying to be ourselves on our blogs so I can imagine that you really did have a great time talking about all that you have already shared. You keep doing these wonderful things with your blog. Neat background.

  17. I'm meeting a fellow blogger in July in San Francisco...on her HONEYMOON! She invited me up to meet her and the hubby, also a blogger. Now that's friendship! lol!

    I can't wait!!! : )

  18. By the way, I love the new layout!!!!

  19. I agree, meeting other bloggers is a wonderful experience! It looks like you had a great time all four of you!

  20. I am looking forward to meet you.....

  21. Bernie: you are definitely on my list to meet, honey...I just need to plan a trip to Canada!

    L.D.: Someday you and your wife will need to meet up with us in Duluth or if you ever come up to the U.P., let us know...we would love to be your guides.

    JJ: How FUN! I hope you are feeling better by then so you can meet them. It was something special that she wants to meet you during their honeymoon! :-}

    Jientje: We really did...I love meeting the people behind the blogs and all of them are the most genuine people EVER. I like the new templates Blogger lets us choose from, but I am still trying to get used to loading pictures differently, etc. on it. It has a map feature I am trying to figure out too.

    Rainfield: Come to the U.P. of Michigan and we will be your tour guides, Rainfield! You will be amazed at how different it is from your beautiful world, with a new kind of beauty!

  22. How nice that you both got to meet! You both take such fabulous pictures!! Did you meet at the Dixie Saloon by chance? That's our favorite place to eat when we are in Mackinaw City!

  23. LUCKY YOU TWO!!! OR FOUR I SHOULD SAY!!! It sounds like you had a great time. I still have hopes of meeting more of our fellow Michigan bloggers. I've met a lot of Yooper Yarn fans, which I LOVE, but it'd be fun to meet more of our fellow bloggers too!! LOVE THE NEW LOOK!!!

  24. This looks like such fun! The four of you must have enjoyed each others company if you are talking of an outing together. Wonderful.

  25. That is so neat! I would love to meet another blogger someday, it would be fun!

  26. It's such a cool thing when I see bloggers get to meet in real life. I'm not sure I could ever do a thing like that though. I'm always afraid I would be a disappointment to anyone else. I'm so used to being alone in nature now, that I'm probably not much of a conversationalist. Plus, oddly, all of my neighbors think I'm grumpy, and they're afraid of me.(That part is actually kind of funny.)

  27. Jeanette: Yes, that is EXACTLY where we met!! We were going to go to the Italian place, but it was closed for the season.

    Cathy: Yes, I have more on my list to meet..and I still might try and plan a Michigan meeting up here..are you game? Thanks for the compliment on my new blog was such fun and easy to redo!

    TechnoBabe: Yes, it was great fun!

    Sara: I bet you will do it, are so friendly, you would love doing that.

    Ratty: NOT TRUE. You would be fun to meet and definitely NOT grumpy....and just to prove it, someday I am going to look you up and force you to meet me! ha

  28. It would be such fun to meet fellow bloggers. I can tell from the smiles you had a great time together.

    The white bird in my "I" post the other day is a white peacock, the aviary has two pairs. The males are beautiful with the feathers spread. I lucked out and caught the light just right on that shot.


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