Monday, February 1, 2010

Here they are! January's PHOTO CONTEST entries!!! : CORRECTED!!!

Here they are!!!!

First, I want to thank each and every person who entered their photo for January's theme


"Something Rusty".

I know it was difficult to come up with subject matter, especially this time of year, when many of us are buried in snow.

But, it was SO worth it!

Everyone who entered had such imagination and took such a neat approach to the challenge.

So, without further ado.....

Here are the NINE ELEVEN entries that were received and who are in the running for winning.

Each photo will be shown, followed by the name of who entered them.

You can make comments, but I am going to pick three random, independent judges and contact them by e-mail to pick their favorite one of the nine entries.

If they pick three separate ones, then a fourth judge will be contacted to pick their favorite of the top three chosen by the first set of judges.

I will contact the winner before Feb. 15th via email, and then next day, I will announce it on my blog.

Can you STAND the excitement?


The winner will receive a widget to display on their blog as the winner of January's photography contest and they will remain in the pool of photos to also compete in the entire year's contest to be held at the end of the year, too.

After you look at the magnificent entries (below), go all the way to the end of this post...because I am also announcing FEBRUARY's photo contest theme today too!

HERE WE GO!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This one is from L.D. He has two blogs: One named Larry's Creative Blog and the other one is named Larry's Photo-a-day.

This is from Ann. She has a blog named: Ann Tucker Blog.

This is from Amy. She has a blog named: DVM's Wife

This is from Judy aka Squirrel Queen. She has a blog called: The Road to Here

This one is from DJan. She has two blogs. One is named: Djanity and the other one is named: Eye on the Edge.

This is from Lorna aka Loree. She has a blog named: Stories and Scribbles.

This is from Lynn. She has a blog named: For Love or Funny.

This one is from Kim. She has a blog named: A Parent's Life to Behold, Through the Eyes of Insanity and Bliss

This one is from J.J. She has a blog named: The World According to J.J. in L.A.

Added on 2/2/09 (I did not post this on time, but they entered on time!):This is from Connie. She has two blogs: Far Side of Fifty and Far Side of Fifty Photos.

This is the one that I completely missed listing, even though she got it in very early in the contest:

This one is from Jientje. She has two blogs. One is named Heaven in Belgium. The other one is named Heaven in 365. I have corrected the contest!
ELEVEN total, marvelous, awesome entries.

I will submit them to my judges over the rest of this week and have them choose a winner!

Aren't they ALL wonderful, creative, gorgeous and stunning?


I thought you would think so too.

Such creative people in the blogging world!

I heart them all.

And NOW? February's photo contest's theme???

(drumroll, please....)

will be:

"Critter Closeups"

What does THAT mean? (you ask).

It means you can take closeup shots of any thing alive that is not human. Snakes, dogs, cats, gerbils, pet bugs, minks, horses, anything alive that is not human, and not your children or grandchildren. Hopefully, it has a face.

Can't wait to see what comes in!

You must have your photo emailed to me following the rules listed before (LISTED HERE) and LISTED HERE later than Feb. 28th, 2010 at midnight, EST. This month's winner WILL BE eligible, since we don't know who it is yet. So any of the above contestants can resubmit a photo to be in the running for February too.

Good luck everybody!

If they are half as good as January's entries, we are all in for a great treat!


  1. Wow! I couldn't wait to see the rusty photos, and I'm totally blown away! This is so cool, Joan. I can't wait to see the critter closeups next month!!

  2. These are all wonderful and I can tell how excited you are about having selected them for judging. Can't wait to see who the winners are... and can't wait to see the critter closeups!


  3. They are very beautiful.

    i do not want to influnce, but do love the one from Loree.


  4. Lynn: I know! I am so thankful people entered and everybody that did certainly did a great job!

    Gaston: Everybody that entered is it is up to the judges. But I applaud everybody's efforts...what great subjects to take shots of!

    Rainfield: No problem picking favorites in your comments, the judges won't be any of my followers, so it will be objective. Maybe you will enter for February?

  5. What wonderful photos! I think the old hayrake is my favorite. Can't wait for February's shots!

  6. as i scrolled down i kept thinking oh thats the one i would wait that one...i imagine the judges will have a hard time. wonderful pics!

  7. Oooooh, lots of good photos. This is going to be tough to call out only one.

  8. I was very much looking forward to see the entries, and there are some great pictures in there. Next one is going to be a hard one for me, my cat is afraid of her own shadow, and there are no bugs or spiders around yet? Hmmm. ROFL!!

  9. These are all very good Joan, will be a tough decision but I think I know my favorite....Good Luck and your Feb. contest should bring in some wonderful photo's, I am so looking forward to seeing them.
    Have a wonderfu Monday...:-) Hugs

  10. This was a lot of fun and I have some tough competition. Thanks for doing this.

  11. I love the old tractor. It looks like it has a face and could tell many a story. Enjoyed them all.

  12. I love all the pics, they are so good!
    It looks like your contest is a success!

  13. What wonderful and interesting photos. It will be hard to choose the best, that's for sure. Each one has a special appeal. I am looking for your email address to send a photo for the next contest.

  14. Well done! I did email you one on Saturday..apparently you didn't get it.. I will try again next month:)

  15. You are a gifted photographer. Your photos are very beautiful. May I have permission to download a few? (#174, 132, 32, 252).

  16. Eva: They were all good, weren't they? I know, I am already looking forward to next month's entries!

    Brian: I know it will be a difficult time to choose...I am glad I am not a judge!

    Technobabe: I is going to be a tough choice!

    Jientje: You are going to have to find some animal to get a picture of. ha Maybe you can find swans or ducks again?

    Bernie: I know, I am already looking forward to this month's theme entries too. I am having a lot of fun!

    Grannyann: Yes, a very tough decision...I am looking forward to every are welcome!

    SouthernLady: I enjoyed every one of them!!

    Sara: Yes, it is a joy to see what is entered!

    RNSane: My email address is That would be wonderful if you could enter the next contest!

    Far Side: What a, I did NOT get it....did you spell my last name right in the email address? It has a lot of A' is
    Please enter again this month and I am so sorry I did not get your entry.Make sure I email you back to tell you I got it, then you will know I received it.

  17. They are all great, Joan... I would pick Judy (Squirrel Queen) ---but I'm prejudiced since she is my friend... ha


  18. What great entries, that's going to be a difficult decision picking the winner.
    I'm going to look for a picture for next month's entry.

  19. Wow, great group of photos. I always love to see everyone's photos for a theme.

    Critter closeups is going to be fun.


  20. Hi, what is the email address for entries? And there is a broken link for the second "rules" links.


  21. Peg: Please do not copy any of them until you contact me at because I am not sure which ones you are referring to and whether or not they are my photos. Thanks so much.

    Betsy: You are so cute. Also, please see the corrected blogpost..I added two more photos to the contest that I forgot to include previously.

    Catherine: I am so glad you are going to enter next month! The more the merrier!

    SquirrelQueen; Yes it will! I think every month it is so neat to see what people will enter!

    GoingLikeSixty: The address is: but please go back to the Feb. 1st blogpost of mine...I have corrected it and refreshed the two links that list all the rules. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask them per my email address! So glad you are interested in submitting an entry in the future!

  22. Thanks! I am glad to be included in this group:)

  23. Far Side of Fifty: Thanks so much for entering!


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