Sunday, January 31, 2010

Frosted Cemetery

Today I am going to do something

I am not going to talk much.

On the day we had the hoarfrost in our community, one of the places I knew I wanted to head
to was our little country cemetery.

It is beautiful in the spring, summer and fall.

I knew the hoarfrost would add a different kind of winter magic to it as well.

Here are the photos I took that day.
I hope you see the beauty that I did in this serene setting.

God provides beauty in unusual places....

May you appreciate nature and life......

*Last reminder!: Today is Jan. 31st...the LAST day you can enter a photo to the free Photography Contest. January's theme is "Something Rusty". Please enter your photo by midnight tonight to the address listed in these rules. Best of Luck to all the entries!
I will be showing all the entries in an upcoming blogpost and announcing the winner of the first month's contest by Feb. 15th....stay tuned!!!


  1. Seeing all these beautiful photos of the Upper Peninsula makes me want to come visit someday!

  2. Cemetaries are a wonderful place to shoot. Such open expanses and usually some historic stones. This appears to be a newer cemetary.

    The trees are beautiful Joan.

  3. Beautiful. Personally, I've always liked to visit cemeteries and view the older tombstones. Life was so difficult and short in "the old days."

  4. It looks like an open air classroom. They are there attending a class.

  5. Those pictures are just breath-taking! Awesome.

  6. Yes, I see the beauty in these pictures, and I also am happy that you are still gathering followers! I see you are up to 220! Goodness!

  7. You were right. It was beautiful. I am hoping to see 32 degrees on Thursday. Of course that will be in Des Moines and we will have 30 degrees. It is getting to be a little long as far as winter goes.

  8. Peaceful photos. The sixth photo down the closer shot is wonderful! I can read the names on headstones.

  9. The pictures say so much! :)

    Can't wait to see all the photo entries for the contest! Woot!

  10. Thank you for this post - it has a very special beauty...

  11. Beautiful pictures, Joan... Words are not needed. Cemeteries are such calm places---and seeing the snow and ice and hoarfrost just makes them even more beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  12. wow. the trees are so apropo for their surroundings...

  13. seems so sad. graves all snow covered makes it look beautiful but so lonely.

  14. The frost on the trees looks so cool! I love cemeteries :o) They have some of the coolest photo subjects!

  15. Beautiful Joan, I find these pictures very comforting....Hugs

  16. Lynn: That would be great...let me know when and I will meet you!

    New England:Thanks so much..actually there are some really old gravestones at this cemetery.

    Gaston: That is for sure! Last year I visited the Civil War cemetery in Savannah...some of the stones were so old and so many ones of children. It was very sad.

    Rainfield: you always have such unique ways of thinking of things!

    Eva: thanks so much!

    DJan: I am so happy everytime I get a new Follower! Thanks for noticing!

    L.D.: Yes 30's will seem like a heatwave after all that cold you have been getting.

    Technobabe: I sometimes like to look at the headstones and read the ages,etc. Morbid, but interesting.

    Insanity: there were such great entries for the first month...I am very impressed.

    Growing Up: Thanks, I think cemeteries are quite beautiful.

    Betsy: Thanks! They are very special places indeed.

    Brian: Pure and white and glistening...just like God's little waiting room should look like...

    Grannyann: Lonely maybe, but the calm beauty fills one's senses up.

    VaBookworm: Yes, I feel the same way...I could do a bunch of pictures of just the headstones they are so beautiful.

    Bernie: I am so glad you did. I didn't what to be morbid,but I saw such beauty in the nature surrounding the cemetery.

  17. Very, very beautiful. Everything looks so serene and peaceful.

  18. It is all so peaceful and serene, simply beautiful.

  19. Loree: Thanks so much. When we were driving by, I had to take the photos when I saw how beautiful the trees looked over the cemetery.

    SquirrelQueen: Yes, indeed. It was very beautiful that day.

  20. What a beautiful serene place this is!

  21. It is so beautiful
    It makes me want to go sit at my brother's grave. The cementary he is buried at his so beautiful, I use to go there all the time and just sit under a tree and write poetry there. It always made me feel so close to him

  22. Jientje: Yes, it truly was.

    Sara: Awww,that is so nice that going there comforts you too.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: