Saturday, January 30, 2010

More Hoarfrost: Part TWO

This is the second part of a two part series
the beautiful hoarfrost we had in our area.

(Go back a blogpost to catch Part ONE if you haven't seen it yet).

I loved the trees alongside the roads!

So lit up with frost:

Each tree could have been decorated for Christmas:

More spikey plants!:

More frosted pines!:

Dark skies against frosted woods:

All begging for photos to be taken:

Even Autumn's leaves....
which thought they had done being beautiful months ago....

Not so!
They are STILL beautiful!:
I hope your day
is as
beautiful today
in some small way....
*P.S. Don't forget...only ONE more day to enter the free January 2010 photo contest! The month's theme is "Something Rusty"...submit your photo entry per the rules HERE to the address indicated in the rules by Jan.31st at midnight EST.


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! But cold ... I need to go find some pictures of palm trees to warm me up. hee hee

  2. Beautiful pictures, as usual. You call that a dark sky? Them's just a few clouds... today it's raining out and the only way I know the sun came up is to look at the time... :-)

  3. I am seeing many old men with white hairs.

    They are old...

  4. Great shots, again. I have to brave the cold and see what I can come up with for my Silent Sunday tomorrow.

  5. They are a perfect subject for you to take. The light reflecting, the shadows, and the high contrast. White can be beautiful. Stay warm.

  6. The tops of the trees look like whiskers.

  7. Lesley: Yes, maybe I should go back to Florida to take some more beach and bird photos. ha

    DJan: I know what you mean..we have had some snow clouds here so thick, it looked like 6pm all day!

    Rainfield: Don't let them scare you. :-}

    Eva: I know! It was -13F degrees today..yes that's right 13 BELOW zero when I woke up. Yikes!

    L.D.: I am trying to stay warm, read my comment to Eva above. Brrrr

    TechnoBabe: Funny, you and Rainfield (see comment above) thought along the same lines!

  8. Brrrrrr. I'm going downstairs to make myself some hot chocolate. Beautiful, but chilling.

  9. These photos are beautiful!! I had never heard of "Hoarfrost" before. But I love the way it makes everything look.

  10. More fabulous photos, Joan... I love seeing the white with blue skies!!!! Neat!!! We ended up with from 5-6 inches of snow but had an inch of ice on top of that last night. And--it's still been snowing some this afternoon.

  11. Fran: Hot chocolate would have been a great treat when I came home from taking these photos. :-}

    Ginnymo: I hope you get to see it in person some day, it really is amazing.

    Betsy: I bet you got some great pictures. I have to go read blogs now (yours included!) ha

  12. Love them all but that first one took my breath away.
    Have a great weekend my friend, we are being buried again in snow.
    ......luv ya.....:-) Hugs

  13. Tomorrow (Sunday) I think I'll be following your lead from Saturday. :)

  14. the frost makes every thing look so brittle and beautiful...we got crushed with snow...14 inches, so playing a little catch up. got to get back before it freeses you know. be back tomorrow.

  15. Bernie: I am so glad you enjoyed them. More snow??? Good grief! We haven't gotten much snow, but it has been cold!

    Joanie: not sure what you mean,I will have to get over to your blog to understand! :-}

    Brian: Wow, that is a lot of snow for you...we have a lot of cold here, and less snow lately, which is unusual for us.

  16. All the views are beautiful but my favorite is the second one. The tree against the blue sky is gorgeous.

  17. SquirrelQueen: Thanks so much..yes all the trees were sparkling so pretty, I could've taken photos of them all,each and every one of them.

  18. I've only known this to happen once where I live since I started taking pictures. You're such a lucky girl!!

  19. Jientje: I was very lucky! To see hoarfrost two times within a month is very,very unusual...


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