Friday, January 29, 2010

More Hoarfrost!!!!--Part One

Remember last week when I went to Kenosha and they got hoarfrost there?

And remember I was whining and complaining that I didn't have enough time to really go out and get a bunch of photos of it?

Well, the Heavens heard me and took pity.

This week, I woke up later than usual.

As I was brushing my teeth I opened up our bathroom blinds and saw that overnight, our fog had frozen into hoarfrost on all the trees here!

I rushed!!!!

I begged my husband to rush.

Because the sun was already out, melting it all....

But I knew, if we could drive up higher in the hills by our house, there would still be beautiful scenery to be had.

I was so lucky to be right about that.

So here is Part One of a two part series on some of the photos I was lucky enough to get of that beautiful morning.

A road that follows our lake:

The frosted hills!:

Along the shore.
The sun was making the hoarfrost bare branches sparkle.
See the animal tracks, too?:

The hill trees were already losing some of the hoarfrost in the sun...but the one closest to the camera was still thick with it:

Sparkle, sparkle everywhere!:

Wonderful, leftover autumn leaves, thick with it!:

It was like someone sprinkled powdered sugar over the entire area:

And then the sun lit it up as a special treat:

Each and every pine needle and branch:

And you just had to drive down the road
to see the wonder:

Tomorrow, I will have more photos for you
the wonderful
winter hoarfrost
experience in the U.P.
that morning.

Have a great day today!!!

Discover something beautiful

*If you haven't entered the FREE January 2010 PHOTO CONTEST yet, you still have a few days to get out there and capture "SOMETHING RUSTY"....the contest ends at midnight on Jan. 31st. See the rules here. You don't have to be a blogger to enter....c'mon, take a'll be glad you did!!! What ELSE do you have to do this winter???


  1. I love the powdered sugar tree photo!

  2. Those are such beautiful pictures. You're lucky to live in such an area.

  3. My gosh Joan I've never even heard of hoarfrost but you sure did show me what it is! Absolutely beautiful! Love that last photo. All are just gorgeous!

  4. wow. love that glittering frosting...5-10 inches of snow today so this may be all i see for the weekend. smiles.

  5. These are just beautiful. I love the one of the leaves. That is definitely my favorite. We are waiting on snow here today. Maybe, 10 inches in some places. Have a great weekend.

  6. Oh I love you! These are just beautiful! :)

  7. As always, so beautiful! My hubby is buying me a decent camera soon, I can't wait. Of course they will pale in comparison to your wonderful shots.

    Thanks for sharing... The frost is so beautiful!

  8. The photos are gorgeous. It almost makes me love winter. Almost.

  9. Lynn: Everywhere you looked, the trees had the frost on it. It was enchanting.

    Cathy: Thanks so much. I do feel lucky to live where we do. This morning it was -3F degrees, so I had to remind myself of why I love it here. ha

    NewEngland: I am sure with the fog in your area, if the temps. get below 32F, you will experience it there too.

    Brian: I saw on the news about the snow in many states this weekend...stay safe!

    SouthernLady: I saw that on the news! It is hard for southern states to get the snow, because you aren't equipped to handle it as well. So much for global warming, right?

    Ashley: Here, here! I feel the same I love it!

  10. How beautiful! Thank you and thank to your cooperative husband too! What wonderful images!

  11. Your poor husband. The middle of the night (well, early morning) he is rushed out the door so you can take these pictures. I guess I should say thank you to him, too! Great shots, as usual.

  12. You live a beautiful part of Michigan, to be able to drive up in the hills to see this is marvelous. I really like the depth that you have in the trees with overlapping colors. The one photo with that deep purple or blue background is stunning. Great job, I am glad you go the husband to move faster.

  13. These are such beautiful photos. I look at each one with my mouth hanging open in awe and catch my breath at the beauty.

  14. MommaYoung: How exciting! I will look forward to some photos from you! Nature is the star, I just capture it on camera. ha

    Eva: yes, me too. ha Almost....

    Tatyana: I thank him every time he indulges me...I think he secretly likes going out with me when I get a crazy idea of where I want to photograph...ha

    DJan: yes, he spoils me, but I think he kind of likes it too...makes winter go by faster! Once when there was a cold cold day on our lake last fall, he came and got me to go out on the boat to take some shots. I complained the whole time how cold I was, but it was some of the BEST shots I ever took due to the lighting on the autumn leaves. He reminds me of that, often. ha

    L.D.: He is really great about indulging my photography whims, and now he points out photo opps to ME when we are going somewhere. ha

    TechnoBabe: How nice of you to say! I am glad you are liking them.

  15. You make winter fun.....these are absolutely beautiful....:-) Hugs

  16. Hiya. I just have to say those are AWESOME photos. Really, really AWESOME. I loved all of them and couldn't pick a favourite!

    Thanks for your comment on my recent post- I did fix it, I think! It was because it was a 'stretchy' template but now I think it'll be ok. Thanks for letting me know :)

  17. Bernie: Thanks, honey!

    Bemused: I am so glad you got it fixed..I knew you probably didn't know it was doing that and I know if mine was doing it and no one told me, I'd be upset. Love your site too!

  18. That is so beautiful! We have gotten a pathetic amount of snow in my area. You'd never know you were in Michigan with so much ground showing!

  19. >Discover something beautiful
    where you live.

    We have gorgeous mountains that stretch for miles. One of these days I'm going to do a panoramic (if I can find the right spot).

  20. Your photos remind me again of why I LOVE winter. They're just beautiful.

  21. Those are very pretty pictures! I love it on the pine needles.

  22. I'm not sure how I got here...followed a comment to it's source then followed another comment... However I got here, what a prize I found.

    I lived in upstate NY for a few years before returning to Houston. Your photos bring back a little yearning for those spectacular winter scenes. We don't find that too much here in South Texas.



  23. Hi There, Just dropping by to say HI. We have snow-snow-snow today/tonight.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it... Can you just imagine how excited I am????

    I know it's nothing compared to yours snows--but to us, this is rare--and wonderful....

    Your hoarfrost pictures are marvelous.


  24. Maniacal: Well it has been really cold up here and we have plenty of much for global warming. ha

    JJ: I bet it is gorgeous there. California is still on my "to do" list to visit soon.

    Genny: Thanks so are new to my blog, no? If not, I am sorry I didn't recognize your blogname before! Welcome!

    Catherine: Me too. The snow on pines is one of the reasons winter is so pretty.

    Jerry: Welcome! I am so glad you accidentally found me! Hope you join(ed) on as a Follower, that would make my day!

    Betsy: Can't wait to see your photos, I can feel your excitement of the snow.

  25. More of my favorites, snow and winter scenes. Loved them

  26. Grannyann: I am so glad! I am sure there will be more snow scenes to come===our winters last here until April!

  27. There are few things more beautiful than hoarfrost in the sunshine. You captured it in all its glory Joan, a true winter wonderland.

  28. Your husband and mine could be brothers. Same thing happened last year in France when I wanted to make pictures of a sunset. I begged ( well, it did not take much begging, I just said it was such a beautiful sunset and I needed the picture for a photo challenge) he jumped into his clothes, and we raced uphill to find just the right spot! Aren't we the lucky ones eh?

  29. SquirrelQueen: Thanks so was really beautiful that day!

    Jientje: Yes, we are very, very lucky!


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