Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This and That: Some of the last Autumn Photos

It snowed again here last night...another four or five inches!! But, it is already starting to melt.

And this weekend?

We are supposed to get back up to the 50's and have sunny weather.

Such is life in the autumn in the U.P. of Michigan.

So, before we have all white (that doesn't melt away), I am posting some of the photos I took over the last month before all the leaves fell off the trees.

This is our house.
It is our "back"yard, taken from the lake, looking back up at our house:

You know from my last posts that I love a winding road full of color.

So whenever we ride out into the woods, if we reach a curve I can't resist, my poor hubby has to stop the truck and let me out to photograph it.

Let's just say he stops a lot. :-)

And I have been waiting and waiting to catch a moose in the wild to photograph.
I haven't found one yet.
Does this count?:
Yes, that was NOT a deer track.
It is a moose track.
But, he didn't stay and wait for me.

Yellow woods:

And my favorite: orange and red leaves!:

Another bend in the colored woods:

Our skies this time of year get dark and stormy.
I call them "snow clouds" because many, many times after we see a sky like this, it snows the following night.
I liked the stormy skies contrasted with the colorful road:

And against this old dried up beaver pond scene:

And yes.
Yet another colorful bend in the road!:

And more red, yellow and orange leaves:

I can't believe all this color is gone now.
But I refuse to grieve.
I choose to focus on how beautiful a season it was, over and over again by looking at my photos.
That way, it never dies...


  1. Ooh be still my heart ;)
    I could just melt into those pictures, isn't this just the BEST time of the year.
    You have a beautiful home, and the surrounding woods and landscape, just spectacular. Your own little "Wonderland".
    Just lovely, thanks for sharing with us.

  2. Snow, huh???? It's hard to believe--since we don't see the white stuff down here yet. I love snow--but we don't get much here (which I guess is good)... ha

    Your Fall pictures --especially along the road are amazing. AND--I love your home. You must live in the BEST of all worlds.


  3. Yep, I have been going to Grand Marais for years and I really do believe that the moose crossing signs are there to impress the tourist. You might get to see one, not!!! I saw a live moose in the Apple Valley zoo, that is south of the cities. I have yet to see one. Maybe if I go to Maine enough times I will see on up there. Of course they are dangerous so one needs to not get too friendly.
    My son had moose for Thanksgiving along with turkey up at his now in-laws in Maine.
    Oh yes, I really like your house, a lot. and the photos are wonderful. I want to see snow this winter too.

  4. It's so pretty up there. I didn't know you guys had that much snow. We haven't got any yet.

  5. You've captured autumn beautifully in these photos!

  6. Brit: Thanks so much. I feel blessed to live where we do, although I have to get a better attitude about our cold, long winters with lots of snow. ha

    Betsy: It is beautiful up here in all seasons! The snow can be gorgeous too...I have to learn to bundle up and get out more in the winter to get some photos, too.

    L.D.: I have never heard of moose by Grand Marais like it is around our area. People see moose here all the time! I saw two when I didn't have a camera....ever since I got my better camera, I haven't seen hide nor hair of them. But I am not going to give up. ha Thanks much for the compliments on our house...we had it built about 4 1/2 years ago and I have loved it from the moment we moved in.

    Vicky: We get a LOT of snow up here. But this time of year we get it and it sticks and melts a few times before it stays for the rest of the winter.

    Eva: Thanks so much.

  7. What beautiful Autumn colours. A delight to behold.

  8. i grew up in the woods...these make me want to go prancing, playing hide and seek!

  9. So many beautiful images Joan! I love the colors and the new layout. The beaver pond is awesome.

    I sure wish Fall didn't have to end so soon. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

  10. You are so lucky where you live with such beautiful roads and woods!!!

  11. Yes, the fall was a beautiful one this year, but over here in Ontario, Canada, our trees are mostly bare now. Thanks for the refresher for the memory of what it was. Your pictures put mine to shame!

  12. You must have heaven in your back yard.

  13. I'm all agog at the beauty you are surrounded with...I'd hit my knees every night to say thanks for the woods alone...but that is one beautiful house...if the back door is that inviting, what must the front be like?

  14. I love the bend in the road pictures, so tell your husband it's worth all the stops for the pretty pictures we get to see :)

  15. Hubby is watching over my shoulder -- snow? snow? He says keep that one handy --- he wants to come snowmobiling in that upper peninsula area! Woohooo...

  16. Alan: Thanks. They really were outstanding this year.

    Brian: Isn't it great growing up where you can play in the woods? I find myself returning now and wondering why I stayed away so long.

    New England: Yes, it is wonderful time of the year. I look at all those trees blazing in color and realize what a miracle nature really is.

    Grannyann: Yes, I am so fortunate. I am within 5 minutes of being out in the middle of nowhere.

    Lucy and Dick Show: You are new to my blog!! Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you became a Follower of my blog, that would be awesome! I will stop by your blog tonight. I lived in Ontario for a year when I was a kid. A little town called Armstrong. Do you know where it is?

    Rainfield: Sometimes it does feel like Heaven when we are out on the lake.

    Sandi: How nice! Our front yard actually faces a tiny town's Main has a covered porch with a porch swing on it. The front yard is full of apple trees, so we like being out there in the spring.

    Catherine: I think he knows that now, because we will be riding along and when he reaches a curve that looks inviting, he says:
    Do you want me to stop so you can get a picture? It cracks me up!

  17. Oops...the pictures are absolutely beautiful!

  18. Ohhhhhhh!!!! You live in paradise.

    Those photos are stunning and so is your home!


  19. And to think I relocated from this beautiful Michigan to here in Florida 10 years ago!!

    Gorgeous photos and thanks for sharing... love them all!!

    Oh, hello :) I found you via Sue's blog since you are in Michigan too! :)


  20. I love teh pic with your house, your house is so beautiful, I also love all of your pics. They are so beautiful and give us people who live in blah land a taste of beauty:)

  21. I like all of these fall photos, especially the winding roads. You're getting closer and closer to that moose. Pretty soon, while looking at the tracks, you'll look up and see the one that made them.

  22. The colors are awesome! I really wish we had autumn here :(

  23. More beautiful pictures, I love the orange and red trees and the turns in the road, I am always bragging to my friends about your wonderful pictures....your home is beautiful, always loved log homes too, gotta visit U.P. Michigan, it truly looks like God's country....
    luv ya......:-) hugs

  24. Not sure if blogger took my comment, will be back tomorrow to check....Hugs

  25. Love your house, the woods are beautiful. I love all of the fall color, I have been taking so many photos.

    Love the moose track, one of my favorite critters. When I lived in Alaska they were everywhere, including my backyard. I just found out we have them in this area so I looking too.

  26. I'm the same way with winding roads. They just fascinate me!
    And I agree-the clouds in fall are so "ominous"-they make for some great photos.

  27. Absolutely beautiful. I am so glad your husband stops on all those bends in the road so that you can share the pictures with us.

  28. Wonderful shots, as always! I love the winding road and how it just "disappears" around the bend.

  29. Growing: There is plenty of snowmobiling up stay tuned!!
    We will get snow that sticks within a few weeks, I am sure. And our town lives right on a snowmobile trail!

    Joanna: Thanks so much! We built it almost 5 years ago now and I have loved being here in it!

    Sunny: Welcome aboard! I LOVE it when other Michiganders find my blog! My daughter lives in Madeira Beach and misses Michigan EXCEPT for the winters. ha We take a break from our long winters to go see her for a week or two every winter now.
    I love Florida too, but I think I would have to leave during hurricane season and hot summer. ha
    Hope you joined on as a Follower. Thanks!

    Sara: I feel blessed to live on the lake and so close to nature as we do. I didn't appreciate it when I was younger like I do now. Now, almost every day I see something outside of beauty that amazes me.

    Ratty: I sure hope you are right about the moose! I keep hoping!!
    Two nights ago there was a huge raccoon on my deck, INSIDE my bird feeder...does that count??ha

    Dreamwalker: You need to plan a trip sometime up here to see them in person...usually late Sept. and early October is the best time.

    Bernie: If you ever decide to come up, I insist that you stay here and visit with us! I would love to host you...seriously. Give it some thought for next summer or fall, okay? Wouldn't that be FUN???? You can even bring a friend, we have room!

    SquirrelQueen: Where do you live that you also have moose in your area? My dream is to get a big bull moose, antlers and all, close up with nature behind him. Good luck, too...I will watch your blog to see if you ever catch one, too.

    Sue: I am addicted to winding road pictures. ha So glad you liked them.

    Loree: I passed on your compliment to my husband and he smiled. I told him..."See! Your patience paid off!".

  30. This is so great! I can experience fall without losing the circulation in my feet. I love your winding road pictures. They remind me of New England, where I grew up.

  31. Cathy: Thanks! I have been thinking of you guys alot lately and so happy you are having such a great adventure.

    Lesley: I love the winding roads too for photos!

  32. When I moved down from AK I thought I had seen the last of the moose. I knew they were in the northern states but I didn't think about them here. We are in SE Washington state, on the borders of Oregon and Idaho. My chances of spotting one here are pretty remote but I will be looking.


  33. SquirrelQueen: Oh, I had no idea there were moose in SE Washington, too. Good luck!!!


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