Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lake Superior and the Mouth of the Huron River

About a month ago, we went to where the Huron River flows into Lake Superior. (Click on link to see map, the fish symbol is where it is). There are only a few times a year we love going there, which is in the spring and fall. In the summer, the "fish flies" are quite nasty and frequent the woods there. I always get big welts from their bites, so we avoid going there then.

But we were so glad we made this fall trip there. It was a fairly warm autumn day and there was no one at the entire area. We walked the beach, picked up stones and took photos at our leisure. It was a beautiful day.

This is where the Huron River flows into Lake Superior:

This is the river, the lake's shoreline and then Lake Superior....out in the lake is an island:

Looking out at Lake Superior from the river which had some fantastic driftwood!:

I love me some driftwood!:

Peeking out at Lake Superior through the river's driftwood:

Looking west of the Huron River, down the lakeshore of Lake Superior:

Another view looking west of the river, down the Lake Superior shore:

More gifts of driftwood at the scene!

Look close at the driftwood.

Do you see a face with some eyes?:

Did you see the face in the driftwood yet?

Maybe THIS will help?:

Another angle of the Lake Superior driftwood that was there:

Looking back eastward at the Huron River from the Lake Superior shoreline:

Looking at the Huron River:

More driftwood beside the Huron River:

The Huron River with color and driftwood:

I'll have a piece of driftwood with a spot of green, please:

I hope you have enjoyed your tour of where the Huron River flows into Lake Superior in the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan...

it is a fantastic location and I was happy to share it with you!


  1. its just beautiful! And, I did see the eyes!!

  2. What a beautiful sandy beach; and the driftwood is fascinating.

  3. Driftwood is always so interesting, the shapes just inspire the imagination. I saw the face and it is a little spooky, guess that's a little leftover Halloween thinking.

    Great shots, the last one with the little touch of green is so pretty.

  4. The last one is my favorite, not just because of the beauty of the driftwood and the green, but because of the elegant shape the water has given the sand below it. Great shots, as usual...

  5. Can't you imagine the Native Peoples canoeing their way around? We had a fabulous trip to Lake Superior Park in June! Your photos are wonderful!

    Have you read Nevada Barr's books? Great mysteries about the various parks.

  6. It is really a fantastic place. The lake is as big as what I can look at a sea.

  7. These pictures are magnificent! We pass this sort of scenery on the way to Sault St Marie. It is gorgeous and a nice way to finish up our trip.

  8. love the driftwood...funny face. smiles. these pics make me want to build a raft like old huck finn.

  9. I love the driftwood. It's like nature's own artistic sculptures. I love seeing your part of the country through your lens. I always feel like I have just taken a little journey up north. Keep them coming!

  10. Roshni: When I was there, I didn't see the face, but as soon as I downloaded the pictures, I saw it and was amazed!

    Eva: Yes, I love the driftwood too, all of them are like art sculptures to me.

    SquirrelQueen: yes, I thought of Halloween when I saw it too. It reminded me of a ghost with a face.

    DJan: Thanks. I loved the sand swirling about that piece of driftwood too!

    Jenn: No, I haven't read those books, I will have to look into it since we go to a lot of parks and campsites way out in the wilderness.

    Rainfield: yes, Lake Superior is probably bigger than some of the seas in the world, but it is a freshwater lake and not made of salt water.

    Wendytb: yes, you must see Lake Michigan then on the south of the U.P.?

    Brian: Yes, you could raft it this week,but bring your long underwear! We had four inches of snow again this morning. :-}

    Stepping: Thanks so much..I love taking the photos too!

  11. OK, forget Hallmark. You need a gallery show. And I think the tree nymphs hid just in time... hence the driftwood with the Medusa hair and eyes ;-)

  12. I like all of these pictures, including the driftwood with the eyes, yes I saw it. The thing I like best though is that the beach is so empty. I know it's cold but being so close to the city makes it hard for me to ever find a place like this that's so empty.

  13. Nice shots, as always. Love your photography!

  14. I love how you and your husband find these special places and then through your beautiful photo's share them with us. Loved each of these and I saw the face on the driftwood ..... Wanda would like that I bet........:-) Hugs

  15. Awesome photos, as usual. I see the face for sure, but I also see a small gargoyle sitting right beside the face, staring at the eyes!

  16. Aria; Awwwwww, thanks my friend! I know what you mean about the driftwood. I loved that piece.

    Ratty: Yes, we are often lucky in seeing no other people when we go out in the woods or lake. It makes the experience that much more spiritual.

    Roxanne:Thanks so much. I love going out and seeing things that excite me enough to take photos of it. This was certainly one of those places.

    Bernie: You will have to send Wanda over to see it, I don't know if she has visited my blog much.Glad to hear from you, I was worried because you haven't posted much on your blog over the last few days!

    Gaston: Good catch!! I was so drawn to the face on the big piece of driftwood, that I didn't see the gargoyle...but now I do!! Thanks!

  17. Some fine pictures. And they really give you a feel of what the scenery is like. What a beautiful part of the world.

  18. Alan: It is very beautiful here, thanks so much.

  19. I love the sandy beach, it looks so inviting

  20. Sara: I loved the beach there, too....it goes on forever and with no people or cabins in sight. You can walk and walk and see Lake Superior stones and driftwood! Heaven!


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