Thursday, November 5, 2009

Down by the Dock: Ducks!! (Part ONE)

These days, when the leaves are all down from the trees, we get an even clearer, unobstructed view of our lake from our back yard deck.

So, one morning this last week, I woke up to a lake of GLASS. There was no wind, completely still.

We had been having a lot of rain over the last few weeks, so the lake level had really risen.

Our dock was somewhat under water, so we wanted to wait until the water went down a bit before we pulled it in for the winter. (Here, the lake freezes over so docks aren't allowed in the water for the entire winter. One must pull it in, out of the water).

This is what our dock looked like that morning.
All lonely and wet.
But just LOOK at the lake!:

But, what to my wandering eyes should appear?????

Two ducks on the lake, swimming NEAR:

And the lake made a wonderful mirror for them:

One came over to say hello:

She swam all the way from out in the lake to beside our dock and bay.
I loved how you can see the reflection of our bay's trees in the water where she is swimming:

And along came her partner, too!:

Although she did SLOBBER a bit!:

Look at her handsome blue side feather and her bright orange feet!
She is a female Mallard duck:

I will post the second set of pictures of these lovely ducks tomorrow.
You know me! I couldn't take just 8 pictures of them, now COULD I?


  1. So nice to see the view, even if the leaves are down!

  2. You live in a very pretty place. I love watching ducks don't you.

  3. The lakes are so wonderful to watch because they change moment to moment. The ducks are so fun too! You must have had treats or was the slobbering just because she could?

  4. I looks like they are floating on a mirror!!!! Stunning pictures, slobber and all :-)
    More please.

  5. The weather is getting colder for the duck.. though they might have some happy times on the lake.

  6. Oh I don't know....that water looks really cold. I don't admire you having to venture in to pull out the dock..

    These pictures are really magnificent!

  7. I love all the reflections! Absolutely wonderful series of photos! Thanks so much for sharing today.

  8. The reflections make such a beautiful photo....those ducks are so cute, how could you not take more pictures.....amazing post, luv ya.......:-) Hugs

  9. You just keep taking these wonderful close-ups!!! My husband is slooooowly getting convinced I NEED a new camera!

  10. Gorgeous shots of the ducks and the lake is pretty stunning too.

  11. Jenn: Yes, the leaves are all down.
    But I found some photos I forgot to post before this of when the leaves were still here, so I will be putting them on soon. :-)

    Eva: helps when the ducks are so darn pretty.

    Vickie: thanks. Yes, it is so pretty here. We are so blessed to be able to live on the lake.

    L&D Show: After they were up by me for a while, I asked my hubby to go up and get some bread for them from the house. Can you believe they waited for him to get back to eat it? ha But this picture was before we gave them bread I think. She was giving us hints she was hungry. :-)

    Joanna: Thanks! There is more later today when I post part 2. So there you go! :-)

    Rainfield: They sure don't seem to mind the weather. Although I think they like warmth, because last spring they climbed up and "sunned" themselves on our nearby rocks a lot...and those rocks are always warmer from the sun shining on them.

    Wendytb: My hubby already hauled it up...luckily, he can use a winch type thing and the dock has wheels on it, so it just drags it up on shore without him getting wet. Ah, the joys of progress!

    Cheryl: Thanks! Yes, when I saw that the lake was so still, I figured it would make nice reflections, and then when I saw the ducks out there, I was so excited, because I knew it would look like a mirror under them.

    Bernie: Aren't they adorable? I loved taking them because every duck looked like TWO. ha They were so cute swimming right up!

    Sue: I LOVE my camera. You will have to ask for one for Christmas from Santa. This is the best camera I have ever owned and it wasn't too bad in cost. It is a Panasonic Lumix point and shoot and it has an amazing 18X zoom and 10 megapixels.

    Loree: Thanks so much...I love all ducks..I just think they are very sociable and pretty.

  12. Wow! That is a wonderful series of photos. I guess we got all the wind over here, leaving your lake in serenity. I love your pictures; they look so happy and delighted with you as well. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to Part II.

  13. I love the movie Funny Farm with Chevy Chase, the ducks were the stars as far as I was concerned! They made the movie!!!
    Lovely shots of these beauties!

  14. DJan: We got your blustery wind today!
    Yikes! Part 2 is up now, hope you enjoy it!

    Sandi: I love ducks too. And Chevy Chase! thanks for the nice compliment on my pix.

  15. The water is so smooth, it makes almost perfect reflections. A beautiful series of photos.

  16. SquirrelQueen: Thanks so much...when I saw that water, I had to go down by it and then when I saw the ducks, I thought: "What a gift!"!!

  17. Ducks are some of the most beautiful creatures in existence. Most people forget about the females when they describe mallards. I watch them all closely and see the beauty in the female mallards.

  18. Ratty: They are all beautiful to me, I agree Ratty!

  19. Grannyann: Thanks so much..I love them too!


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