Monday, November 2, 2009

So I normally don't do awards...but for goes!

I vowed sometime last year that I was going to stop accepting blogger awards. I have pretty much done that, hoping that I didn't offend anyone.

But then on Monday, that sweetheart blogger: Joannie from Joannie's Random Ramblings gave me an award.

(If you haven't been to Joannie's blog, you really need to stop by and give it a read.) She is so honest and so raw in talking about battling her love John's cancer that you will immediately love her and her blog....Plus...DANG she is funny!! I love her "Dear So and So" weekly blogpost and she does the neatest riddles too!

So---just this once: I am making an exception.

Thanks SO much Joannie for this award.
I am very honored!

The rules of this award are as follows:
~Answer the questions below using only one word (it's harder than it seems!) ~Thank the blogger who gave it to you (See above) ~Pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers (See below)

So, on with the questions:

1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your hair? ......dyed
3. Your mother? Deceased
4. Your father?.....Deceased
5. Your favorite food? ......sweets
6. Your dream last night?.....wild
7. Your favorite drink? DietCoke

8. Your dream/goal? ..... Lotto
9. What room are you in? great
10. Your hobby?
11. Your fear? ..... pain
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?..tropical
13. Where were you last night?.....home

14. Something you aren't?
15. Muffins? .....Blueberry
16. Wish list item? ......grandbabies
17. Where did you grow up?...... Michigan
18. Last thing you did?...... dinner
19. What are you wearing? ...... jeans
20. Your TV? : definition
21. Your pets? ....... none

22. Your friends? ......blessed
23. Your life?......Fanfrickintastic
24. Your mood? ......Happy
25. Missing someone? .....yes
26. Vehicle? ......Used
27. Something you're not wearing? ...... heels
28. Your favorite store? .......Walmart
29. Your favorite color?
30. When was the last time you laughed? ......tonight
31. Last time you cried? ...funeral
32. Your best friend?.....husband
33. One place that I go over and over? .......nature
34. One person who emails me regularly?.......friends

35. Favorite place to eat? ..... Bonanza

I am now supposed to pass this on to six people - this is where I cheat:

1. I pass this award to anyone who left me a comment in the last week. You know who you are: GRAB IT.

2. I also will pass this award to any of my Followers who send me another new Follower over the next 7 days. The new person just has to make a comment on my blog saying they are new to my blog, mention who recommended my blog to them (and that new person has to add themselves on as a Follower to my blog). If they follow through, BOTH the new person AND the person who sent them to my blog gets to grab this award.

Now that isn't too hard, is it???

Thanks again, Joannie.
Dang you for making me break my own rules!!!!

P.S. I did another blogpost today, so please read the blogpost below this one if you haven't read it already today!


  1. oh you are over the top, and from the side and many angles to your pictures. smiles.

  2. hehehe!!! You're the best, Joan! I gave that award to you because I love love love your photographs!!!!

  3. "Fanfrickintastic" LOVE that!

    Congrats on your award.


  4. Congrats on your award. Love your one word comments, especially "sweets" 'cause that's where I'm at too! But I noticed you also snuck "muffins" in there too. Going over to check out Joannie's blog!

  5. Brian: Thanks, I did my best! :-) Now grab that are one of my best commentors!

    Eva: Thanks...I am always so grateful to get them, but I stopped posting them for a while because they took so much time away from my photography. Grab the award for yourself too, always comment on my blog!

    Joannie: Thanks! I really love taking them for all of you too. Grab the award!

    Joanna: Thanks. Now grab that award for yourself too.

    Gaston: Don't forget to grab the award for yourself comment on my blog a lot, and I appreciate it.

  6. Hi there, Thanks for visiting my blog. I love Shelley--and she keeps begging George and I to visit Northern Michigan to see some of the gorgeous waterfalls up there.

    I loved your 'one-word' answers. We have alot in common... Hope to hear from you often--and I will be back to check out more of your great blog.

  7. I learned a new word, Fanfrickintastic, I love it!

  8. Betsy: I am so glad you did stop by. Yes, you should take Shelley up on her offer. I haven't met her yet, we hope to do a reunion of bloggers from upper Michigan this year and invite Shelley to attend. Can't wait to meet her. When I read your profile, I saw a lot we had in common, too. I would love it if you would stop back by, often!

    SquirrelQueen: Glad you liked my new vocabulary word. I have a million of them. ha

  9. I liked learning those things about Hugs

  10. Bernie: Wish I could have used more than one word per description, but that would have been against the rules. Now you have to grab this award for yourself too, as you always comment on my blog.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: