Sunday, November 8, 2009

Frosty "Fotos"

Before we lost all our our autumn leaves, we woke up one morning to a very heavy frost.

I quickly grabbed my shoes, camera and jacket when I woke up to see the photo opportunity and went out in the yard, crunching all over on the hard frost to take pictures of it.


Frost was all over on every this!:

I loved the texture it gave all the vegetation!

All the grasses in the yard were covered with "sugar":

Even the weeds were coated with pretty white crystals:

Like snowflakes, all the crystals looked unique:

And the tangled Goat's Beard stalks were covered with frost too:

Every plant looked marvelous:

Looks like crystal warts!:

And before I got done, in just about 30 minutes...the frost began to melt:

The sun still revealed the edges of the leaves still had frost trim on it:

But the leaves close to the ground still had thick crystals clinging to them:

Including these little berries. I loved how the crystals hung on to them:

But in the time I took about 25 pictures, the sun was high and the crystals were all melted off the plants.
I gotta learn to get up a little earlier, don't I???


  1. Just scrumptious! That next-to-last one looks like the leaves were dipped in sugar and it looks good enough to eat. It looks to me like you captured the event quite nicely, Jo, and I well appreciate your post. Today I went for a walk and saw some red berries with droplets of dew hanging off them and thought of your garden reflection. I tried, but nothing wonderful happened for me. I got other good shots, though, thinking of you.

  2. The third and fourth shots are my favorites!

  3. Beautiful pictures. I love the ones of the leaves the best and they do look like they are sugar coated.

  4. DJan: Thanks! Now I will be known as the droplet lady. ha

    Eva: I just loved those thick crystals on the leaves, too!

    SouthernLady: I liked the thick frost on the leaves the best too!!! But it sure didn't last long!

  5. Well you already had snow and now frost so I guess we know what is next again. I like the meadow photos as the different dimensions from foreground to back really show up. Nice photos.

  6. You got some wonderful shots here with all those pretty light and icy surfaces. I like it!

  7. I've never known frost to look so pretty. I'll look at it a different way now for sure.
    Hope you had a wonderful Sunday

  8. wonderful shots...everything glittering like jewels!

  9. Woooo----looks COLD up there in Michigan!!!!! That frost was clinging to everything, wasn't it?? You captured some gorgeous pictures --before it all melted!!!!


  10. I laughed when I saw you grabbed your camera before your coat, the important stuff first.

    These are beautiful, the frost creates wonderful effects. The one with the crystal 'warts' when enlarged I see crystal flowers, so pretty. Great macros.

  11. If you hadn't told us, I wouldn't have known what the first photo was-- It's beautiful and so unusual.

    You have a GREAT eye! All of your pics are fabulous. Thanks for sharing.


  12. I love your photo's Joan, you have a wonderful gift and to share it with all of us is so kind..Luv ya....:-) Hugs

  13. Cattails-my favorite!! What beautiful shots. I always pity the poor folks who don't get out early enough in the day to see all the wonderful things!

    Oh, and last summer, we had discussed Hollyhock seeds-the stolen ones?? I'm (FINALLY)mailing them off to you Tuesday when I get to town-gorgeous pinks and reds...enjoy!!
    Have a great week, Joan!

  14. We just had our first frost, too! Your photos are so pretty. I just wish the frost wouldn't kill all the late-blooming plants around here. Oh well.

  15. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Your pictures are nice too. hee hee

  16. I love what frost does to nature. Wonderful photos, just wonderful.

  17. What an experience!! Love to see all these.

    And I have seen them, inside my fridge.

  18. L.D.: You know, we have had the craziest weather ever since summer! First we had a really cold summer, then a really warm September, an unusually cold and rainy Oct., and now November has been warm again. My poor garden suffered and didn't know what to do. ha We are having 60's and sunny this week. Then, I suppose we will get a blizzard for Thanksgiving!

    Susanne: Thanks so much! I loved those macro crystals too!

    Vickie: I used to hate frost because it meant the beginning of our really long and cold winters here, but having the camera has opened my eyes to the beauty that every phase of nature provides to us.

    Brian: yes, like jewels! I like that description!

    Betsy: our weather has been so up and down. We had really cold, snow and now it is warm and sunny again.
    For us, 60 degrees in Nov. is really warm. But, not to worry, we will probably get tons of snow before Thanksgiving even comes. ha

    SquirrelQueen: Don't worry, I quickly remembered my was so cold out that day that my fingers got numb taking the photos. ha But it was like a crystal wonderland out there.

    Joanna: thanks so much. Sometimes the photos even surprise me. ha

    Bernie: Thanks so much, what a lovely thing to say!

    Sue: Thanks so much for mailing the hollyhock seeds...I had less seeds this year...did I promise you some pale yellow ones? I know two bloggers wanted some, and I can't remember for sure who I promised them if you are one of them, please send me your address, ok?

    Lynn: Yes, I hate losing the last plants when the frost comes, but it is inevitable where we live. So, I am glad I discovered the beauty of the next objects of beauty that nature provided!!

    Lesley: Thanks so much. I know that nature did ALL the work. :-}

    Loree: Nature is always lovely, isn't it?? Even when raging (like in hurricanes, etc.) it provides unique photo opportunities that can't be replaced.

    Gaston: Thanks so much. I do, too!

  19. I have a feeling that we all are going to have a lot more of these before the year is out.

  20. Ah, the joys of getting up early. I love when frost clings to everything. Something very peaceful about it.

  21. Rainfield: Funny! Inside your is much prettier outside in nature!

    Alan: Your feelings are correct.ha
    but you will get more snow than frost in future posts!

    Ashley: Normally, now that I am retired, I am up at the crack on 9a. hahaa...but lately I have been getting up earlier. Although it is still dark here until about 8am anyway!!

  22. This is one excellent benefit of the colder weather. I never considered being able to get frosty pictures like these. I haven't been out on my trails at the right time yet.

  23. Ratty: You could get some stunning pictures by that pond of yours, I bet..or where the dam was where the duck was looking for her little ones!


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