Saturday, November 7, 2009


Sometimes nature just hands you little gifts on a platter.

A few weeks ago, we had a really hard frost. Then, the sun came out and started melting all the frost within about an hour.

I noticed that my apples still left on the tree and some other red berries in the yard were dripping and were full of little droplets that looked so neat.

So, of course, off I headed into the yard to do some macros of the droplets. So here you go!:

How about a refreshing apple?:

Or two or three?:

I don't know what kind of berries these are.
I don't think they are edible:

Almost every apple had these wonderful droplets thawing out:

I think I can see my entire front yard in these drops!:

I had to make an apple pie after I saw all these, just waiting for me to peel!:

Another shot of the berries:

One last closeup of an apple!:

I hope you enjoyed these as much as I enjoyed taking them!
I was so excited to see the frost melting on the fruit and giving me these lucious droplets!


  1. The third from the last picture...made me want to eat that apple! Beautiful!!!

  2. oh beautiful pictures -the berries just look so perfect and pretty.

  3. Hiya. Those are really nice pictures- i love seeing the reflections in the water drops.

    Regarding the manipulated photo on my blog that you commented on (thanks by the way!), I use a software called Dynamic photo hdr- it is easy to use if you follow the instructions. It cost me $58 to buy the full version but you can download a trial version for free and just have a go.

    It is good fun to use. I haven't used it properly yet (where you take multiple exposures) i just change a single jpeg file. Very easy!

    Search 'hdr' on google or even better, flickr and you will see good stuff.

    Bye :)

  4. see things the rest of us would pass by with a true artist's eye!

  5. Great photos! I love the one of the berries where you caught the drop just before it fell.

    Dammit! Now I'm hungry again.

  6. I have finally seen my apples. I love apples.

  7. I absolutely LOVE the reflection of your yard in that red berry. And of course I'm running to my fridge to pull out an apple to eat, after looking at these. And I enjoyed the pictures very much, all of them...

  8. Great images Joan! I hope you made that pie too. I'm thinking an apple pie would be delicious right about now.

    I remember photographing a droplet last year that I could actually see myself in. It's amazing how one little drop of water can be so fascinating!


  9. The fruit encapsulated in ice makes a lovely shot. Very fast thinking on your part!

  10. Yes, it is a very nice special effect. You were lucky to notice that it was going on out there, and those apples are probably not any good now.

  11. Wanda: Thanks! Yes, all those droplets make the apple look delicious, don't they?

    Vickie: Thanks...I loved the bright red along with the drops, too.

    Bemused: Thanks so much! And thanks for the info, I will have to look into downloading that program. Your photo was breathtaking!

    Eva: What a nice thing to say, thanks so much!!

    Joannie: You are so funny. I know those droplets on the apples make me hungry and thirsty for apple juice. ha

    Rainfield: I thought about you when I took the apple ones, as I know you watched them on my blog go from apple blossoms to full sized apples.

    DJan: I know what you mean..when I saw the photos on my computer when I downloaded them, the apples looked pretty scrumptous. ha

    Jenn: they were pretty fun to see outside so I knew I had to grab my camera and start clicking!

    New England: I think I remember your photo that you did with a water drop. It was great!! I have made a lot of apple pies this year.

    Sandi: Thanks..I had such fun taking these. Tomorrow's post will be ones of a heavy, heavy frost on leaves, etc. which I hope you will like, too.

    L.D.: You know, we picked some of them and they were great in an apple pie. :-)

  12. Love these pictures!! I love how you can see your yard in the droplets..Ha!

  13. You have the most amazing way of viewing and capturing the most basic of events and turning them into wonderful pieces of art. Wow! I want to be like you when I grow up.

  14. those apple shots are amazing...little water droplets are like their own little worlds..captured so well. hope you have a great saturday!

  15. Beautiful photos..the droplets are way cool:)

  16. I love seeing water drops on plants. Even better than being on ducks, although the water on the ducks is fun. It just makes the plants look so fresh and new. The berries look like nightshade to me, so I definitely wouldn't eat them.

  17. Ginnymo: Yes, when I saw those HUGE droplets, I HAD to go out and take pictures of them!

    Stepping: Funny! Be careful what you wish for, there are parts of me you might want to reconsider before making that wish. hahaaa

    Brian: Thanks! Hope you have a great weekend too! We are lucky here, our weather warmed up, so I hope to do a long hike today in the woods to see what me and my camera might find. :-}

    Far Side: yes, the droplets were indeed "way cool" !!!

    Alan: Thanks! Loved those droplets!

    Ratty: Thanks, I will have to look up nightshade and read about it.

  18. Luscious indeed! eat the apples not the drops! LOL!

  19. I love the droplet pictures! It's amazing how pretty they are and the reflections that can be seen in them.

  20. These are all beautiful shots - and the droplets made them very special!

    Nice post!

  21. Keats: You can eat both, then you fulfill your thirst and hunger too. ha

    Catherine: yes, me too! Many times people spray their flowers to get the effect in pictures...but I loved this because it was 100% genuine and natural.

    Suzanne: Thanks so much...yes when I saw the droplets I knew the pictures would turn out wonderful!!

  22. I love seeing water droplets, they photograph so beautifully. The reflection in the large drop on the berries is gorgeous. The water just makes the apples look so juicy and refreshing.

  23. More beauty captured through your lens Joan, so beautiful...:-) hugs

  24. SquirrelQueen: I know! After I saw them, we had to go pick some more and make some apple pie. ha

    Bernie: Thanks, Bernie. When I saw outside that all that frost was melting off I had to go and grab my camera to capture them.


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