Monday, November 9, 2009

Marvelous Misty Fog!

The summer warms up our lake water to about 75 degrees.

When autumn comes, the cold air meets the evaporating lake and pond waters and we often get a few mornings of misty fog on them.

One morning, I was lucky enough to wake up to witness this event, and of course got dressed, grabbed my camera and went down to our lake to get some shots. It was before we lost all of our colored leaves, so you can see them across the lake in some of the shots too.

Here was the great scene that greeted me:

This was our path going down to the dock, where I could see glimpses of the wonderful lake fog ahead:

To the left side of our little bay, looking out at the fog:

The panorama of misty fog:

Standing on the end of the dock, looking out at the fog:

The same view, another angle:

Fog and autumn color on the lake:

This was a pond near where we live.

Frost on the banks and fog on the water, a photographer's treat!:

If you just look about you,
nature provides photo opportunities for you all the time.
The trick is to see its beauty and to capture it quickly.
If you wait too long, nature changes things and whispers:
"You missed it!"


  1. The fog makes the lake look so peaceful. I would love to wake up just to look at it every morning that I could.

  2. How many times have I said, "I'll come back and take that picture later." And missed the shot. Especially when I'm hiking with the Seniors, they don't like to stop so I get rushed sometimes. I am such a fan of fog and mist, and I am also a fan of your artistry. I wish I could think of something more to say than my usual "excellent!" "awesome" and "stunning."

  3. the shots straight down the dock are my favs...there is just something about the fog that invites mystery...

  4. Oh my goodness, these are just stunning. They seem like something out of a storybook.

  5. I love the dock photos! Bet some of those would look so cool in B&W or all one color...forget what that's called...

    BTW I changed my url to a .com, it's now, you may have to change it in your reader and blog roll so you see my updated posts; someone stole my blog title name so I had to change some stuff!!!

  6. Vickie: The first thing I do every day that we wake up, is look out at the lake. It has so many moods!

    DJan: How nice of you to say. You are always so encouraging about my photos. I really appreciate it.

    Eva: Thanks! I love fog but it is hard to photograph.

    Brian: I liked those angles the best too. Thanks so much.

    Ashley: Isn't fog the most mood-stirring photos of all? They always look spiritual to me.

    Insanity: I will have to check out your url address on my blog to make sure it is correct. Even though it was probably a compliment that they stole your blog, oh my goodness..I would be SOOOO mad!!! Shame on them.

  7. Those look like pictures that should go with a good murder mystery!!

  8. Beautiful collection of photos I love the fog & autumn one its awesome... i found you via blogcatalog... -:)

  9. I cannot say much. They are simply fantastic, my favourite.

    Wish I can see such a heavy one.

  10. Grannyann: yes, I agree...could be the scene of a murder drowning, don't you think?

    Fatima: Welcome aboard! I am so glad you found my blog!! Hope you join(ed) on as a Follower!!

    Rainfield: I am so glad you liked these..I know you often show mist in the jungle scenes you provide us that are also awesome!

  11. Hi There, What great pictures of the water, fog and Autumn colors. You live in a gorgeous place... I love that last photo with the frost also. WOW!!!!!

    Isn't it neat seeing and photographing the lake during the different seasons???? Awesome!!!

  12. Wonderful foggy photos! I liked your previous post of frosty fotos too. You have to be ready at all times..just waiting to take the photograph! Sometimes the light can change so quickly you miss a really good shot. :)

  13. Love these fog photos!! Real nice!! I love foggy pics!!

  14. I really love fog. I missed out on my own foggy pictures a few days ago, so I'm really glad you got these. These are great.

  15. Betsy: That is one of the best things about living on the changes almost hourly sometimes! Thanks.

    Far Side: Yes, my husband laughs at me because I NEVER get in the car without my camera. We have even seen really neat things on the side of the highway and I make him stop so I can take a photo. ha

    Ginnymo: Me, too! but sometimes it is hard to capture on camera.

    Ratty: I love it too. I have to keep getting up a little earlier to capture some of these things...but it is dark until about 8, anyway...

  16. The lake looks so mysterious and calm. What a beautiful site to look at it!

  17. Sara: Thanks, Sara. It was very still and beautiful out there that morning, although it was a bit chilly. I always love fog!

  18. I love to see the mist on water, it is always so beautiful and mysterious. My favorite shot is where you are standing at the end of the dock looking out on the lake. Your photos are just gorgeous.

  19. SquirrelQueen: I love the dock pictures leads one's eyes towards the lake, I think. Thanks so much for your always encouraging compliments on my photos, it means a lot to me.

  20. Those are marvelous shots. I had forgotten how the lakes take on such a magical look with fog. I had seen them years ago on Minnesota lakes. That last photo is one of my favorites. The foliage is actually very colorful. Nice blog.

  21. Fog is God's way of reminding us to slow down.

  22. L.D.:thanks so much. Yes, I was glad to be able to photograph these, because fog is tricky to take! But if they turn out, it looks rather mystical.

    Jim: Good quote! I liked that one.


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