Friday, October 30, 2009

Autumn Waterfalls: Part Two

I am continuing today with my series on the waterfalls we saw on our trip out to the woods recently. Enjoy!

Looking through the trees at a pretty waterfalls:

Same waterfalls,

another view:

This log got caught in a pretty scene:

Standing in the middle of the waterfalls:

(Not really, it is the wonder of a zoom lens!):

Wonderful waterfall shelves:

Love the rush!:

And the sparkling sun on the yellow leaves and water:

I love catching the movement of the rushing water in the shadows, too:

And the water's descent into the colorful autumn forest:

A perfect place for meditation and wonder:

Since we visited three waterfalls on this day,

I will have a few more posts this week yet of the beautiful scenes we were privileged to see.

Have a SPOOKtacular weekend, everyone!!


  1. STUNNING!!! OK, so it's official, I'm never getting my pic taken again unless it's you taking it, cause that's the only way I'm going to look good ;-) Happy Halloween weekend sweetie! I hope you get great pics of your grandchildren, who, I'm sure, will be adorable!

  2. Those photos are marvelous. I guess I am surprised at the terrain there in Michigan. I am going to have to look that up and see where all the hills are. That really could be a Colorado scene the way that the water is moving. Thanks for sharing.

  3. have a greet halloween. after viewing your pics, i already go tmy treat! smiles.

  4. Oh, I just love "love the rush" and the next one with the yellow leaves. You outdo yourself with every batch of pictures... but I think it would be so much fun to just follow you around! You go to such nice places.

  5. Aria: I would LOVE to take your photo...that way we would finally get to meet in person! My grandkids live 8 hours away, so unfortunately, I will just get photos of them that my daughter takes. I sure wish we lived closer to them!! My other daughter is expecting, but she lives in poor me, no close grandkids!!

    L.D.: The U.P. has lots of hills. And the water was really high due to the excess amount of rain we have had this fall. When I lived in Kansas for a year, I really missed being by the great lakes and the hills!

    Brian: That was a sweet thing to say! :-}

    DJan: Back atcha. I love mountains, so I would love to see what you see on your hikes. (Only I would probably DIE going on some of the rough hikes you go on!) ha

  6. It is an amazing feeling to be one with nature and to truly appreciate all of God's gifts! I love these pictures and can almost hear the river flowing by. One of my favorite sounds. You are lucky this is near you to enjoy.

  7. Beautiful scenes Joan, you capture every thing so perfectly!

  8. A Perfect Place for Meditation and Wonder is my absolute favorite... it is beautiful. I do love all of your pictures Joan, from the beginning I always have but this one just jumped out at me as no other. Thank you my friend for just the perfect picture...luv ya and have a Happy Halloween.....Hugs

  9. I could sit there and watch that water for hours and hours!

  10. DVM's Wife: Yes, I feel we are lucky to have all this nature's beauty just out our back door. Thanks.

    Wanda: Thanks so much. It is fairly easy when you have all that natural beauty to shoot on camera.

    Bernie: So glad you liked it! E-mail me if that is the one you want me to send to haven't told me yet which photo you wanted! :-}

    Dreamwalker: I felt the same way...when they were so high and rushing by with so much water, it was really mesmerizing to me to watch them in person!!!

  11. It's a beautiful part of the country! Thank you for the great pictures!

  12. I like the pictures that look like you're standing in the middle of the river looking up.

  13. Tatyana: You are welcome..thanks, it is a very beautiful part of the country indeed!

    Catherine: I liked those really does feel like you are in the middle of the waterfalls in those photos doesn't it?

  14. All of your waterfall photos are excellent. Waterfalls are one of my favorite natural features, and you've been giving me a happy overload. :)

  15. Ratty: I am glad I overloaded you. ha
    I have one last blogpost of the autumn waterfalls to go and then the series will be over. I have never gone to some of them in the winter, and if I can bundle up and get my courage, I want to don a pair of snowshoes and later this winter, hike into them for some winter shots too.

  16.! Love these pictures!

  17. Since we have so few waterfalls in Oklahoma we make them a state park. Love your photos and thank you for allowing me to join you on this trek.

  18. Jeanette: Thanks so much! We went to three waterfalls that day and they were all spectacular! I couldn't wait to share them with everyone.

    Stepping: Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such nice compliments on my is a pleasure to have you join me on my blog journey!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: