Thursday, October 29, 2009

Autumn Waterfalls: Part One

About two weeks ago, before we got our first snowfall, we went on a drizzling day to find some waterfalls in the autumn color.

We knew that the rivers would be high with a lot of fast moving rapids because we had gotten rain almost every day on the week prior to our trip out.

We visited three separate waterfalls, and so the next two blogposts will be sharing of the photographs I got on that outing.

We had a great time, packing a picnic lunch and hiking in the woods. Even though it was wet and raining off and on, the air was crisp and the colors were wonderful.

This shot is looking down from a small cliff at the fast rapids of the Silver River:

The river was making a loud roar as it rushed down this narrow rock path:

Further down the same river, it reached a rock shelf and made a small waterfall (The Silver River Falls):

All the splashing and frothing as the water squeezed itself through the rocks was fantastic!:

Can't you HEAR it???:

If I were the water, I would want to flow into
Wouldn't YOU?:

Here is a view of the Silver River waterfalls from the bottom of the Silver River looking back upstream:

We spent some time going up and down by the falls, just admiring the view:

Not only were the falls gorgeous, and the river banks beautiful,
but LOOK at the path following the rushing, high river:

The woods seemed enchanted.
The water was so high it was brimming and lapping at the banks as it rushed downstream.
The nearby rocks on the shore were wet with the splashes of the water as it rushed by.
My husband kept holding on my coat as I leaned in for pictures, afraid I would slip into the river!
(He knows me well).
I mean, wouldn't YOU want to get close to the edge of THIS
to photograph it?:

I made it through this set of waterfalls and rushing river without incident, (just in case you were wondering).
Stay tuned for my next blogpost, as we saw many other pretty waterfalls on the same day!


  1. the frothy whitewater! wheres my kayak!

  2. Eva: Thanks so much. It was an awesome place.

    Brian: Ah, yes...frothy whitewater it certainly was. It was the highest I have ever seen a river. It would be suicidal to ride it in a kayak!

  3. You all find the most lovely spots to share with us ... TY for doing so. And, yes, we can hear the rush!

    Awesome pictures.
    Have a BOO-tea-FUL weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon

  4. I would like to be the rushing water that is full of energy, and carves my stories on the rock.

  5. WOW! such great scenery. Just Nature at its best again!Glad you had a superb time following the flow and gush of the rivers.

  6. Thank you! I missed most of autumn it seems. This was fabulous. I could smell it, hear it, and smell it as well as see it.

  7. You know I hate the cold weather, but your beautiful pictures ALMOST make me want to move back to Michigan!!

  8. Two words: Absolutely beautiful!

  9. You even manage beautiful photo's on a wet drizzly day and had a picnic no less....these are absolutely beautiful....:-) Hugs

  10. You live in such a pretty area. You must just love getting out and enjoying the scenery. I really love all the color in the third picture.

  11. Wow, awesome whitewater. All I can think of is how much fun it would be to take a raft down that last chute, wheeee! Yep, it would be suicidal but what a way to go. The colors are gorgeous.

  12. Wow! You are right; look at all of that water. Beautiful fall colors. A picnic lunch and hiking sounds most perfect! :)

  13. I love the part of our country in which you live and share your awesome photos with us all.

  14. Blushing: Thanks! And you have a BOO-tiful weekend too!

    Rainfield: Poetically said! Those rocks have had a lot of history carved into them from the years and years of water rushing past them.

    Keats: We sure did! Since we went to more than one waterfall that day and they were all high and rushing and wonderful, it was one of our best hikes. See some upcoming blog posts for more photos.

    Maniacal: It was such a rush being there, too. Thanks!

    Lesley: You could live up here for spring, summer and fall and then go south for winter, like a lot of the "snowbirds" here. We only leave here for about 3 weeks in the winter, but if I could afford it, I think I would leave for about 2 months. But I LOVE it here the rest of the year so much!

    Growing up: Three words back: Thanks SO much! :-}

    Bernie: Thanks! Because the colors were going fast and we knew the waterfalls would be at their highest, we decided to brave the weather...and when we got out there, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...and then we saw those rushing waterfalls, and we forgot it was even raining out. ha

    Catherine: Yes, I love where we live exactly for our nature and being so close to the woods, lakes and rivers. Only our winters are very long and very usually around Jan. or Feb. we take one or two trips to someplace WARM to make it through the winter without getting too depressed. ha But the rest of the seasons are glorious here. Even our winters are gorgeous, but I am a wimp about the cold and snow.

    Squirrelqueen: Who knew there were so many suicidal people? ha

    Ashley: It was wonderful, thanks! Even though it was chilly and drizzling outside, we had a great time.

  15. All I needed was a canoe and I was so there! Yes, I could here the water crashing on the rocks and throwing itself down the hillside...lovely!

  16. I would love to find a place like this away from everything. I could set up a tent somewhere in the woods there and never go back to civilization.

  17. Gaston: Yes, I feel blessed to live here. Even though the winters are so long and hard!

    Sandi: Oh, a canoe would be so dangerous in some of those rapids and waterfalls! But further down the rivers, you would love it!

    Ratty: Some people own camps wayyy out in the wilderness and spend a lot of time away from civilization...sometimes even in the dead of winter! I don't know if they bring their supplies in for the entire winter or what...or maybe they take a snowmobile into town for supplies a few times a month. That is a little too desolate for me. ha But they have some beautiful places way out in nowhere.


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