Saturday, October 31, 2009

Autumn Waterfalls: Part Three

On this Halloween, you have been scared enough!

Now, sit back with your hot cup of cider and your bowl of chocolate left over Halloween candy, and enjoy this third in my series of waterfall photographs!:

This log was brought down to the waterfall shelf and is caught there:

Down river a bit from the waterfalls:

Closeup of the trapped log:

Glancing back at the waterfalls from downstream:

Small shelves of waterfalls in the autumn beauty:

A little further downstream:

A splashing wonder!:

Closer to the falls:

A view through the fall foliage:

A beautiful scene on a beautiful fall day!:

Happy Halloween everyone!
I hope you enjoy your day as much as we enjoyed this one.


  1. I enjoyed the stroll through the woods and the lovely scenes of the waterfalls, and the beautiful autumn colors. LOVELY.

  2. Joan, I just have to get off this computer and get some work done but when I seen you had posted the pull to visit was too strong and I am so happy I have. These photo's are breathtaking, love and enjoy them so much.....:-) hugs

  3. Just beautiful!
    Have a great weekend,

  4. Urgh. Yesterday I read Part One and today I read Part Two and both times I had to pee after viewing pictures.

  5. the treats keep coming~! love the way you landscaped that last one capturing the angle and all. sigh.

  6. Beautiful shots! Thank you for sharing a wonderful trip!

  7. You're so right, after all those scary posts - mine included - I have enjoyed your peaceful series of those beautiful water scenes!

    Thanks for the great idea!

  8. Sorry, had to go change my all wet coming down river! Great great photos...they need to be framed and hung on a long gallery wall!

  9. I enjoyed all your pictures of waterfalls. You are a very good photographer. Happy Halloween

  10. Awesome ... so serene. You can hear the 'rush' ...

    Have a BOO-tea-FuLl Halloween. TTFN ~Marydon

    ** Watch for huge giveaways that start tomorrow for several weeks.

  11. They are all so pretty I can't pick a favorite.

  12. That is such a beautiful area. I think there is not a bad shot in the bunch. The trees really frame the scenes for you, and I bet you look for them to do that too. Great pictures.

  13. GrammaAnn: Thanks so much. We really enjoyed the day out there too.

    Bernie: Ah, the work can always wait..haha Glad you took a break to browse through them!

    Sue: So glad you found time to see them today.

    Kearsie: Um..maybe some bladder medication may be warranted? hahaaa

    Brian: We were so lucky along the banks there were so many places that you could lean over and get great shots of the waterfalls!

    Jenn: Thanks so much for stopping by and viewing my photos and leaving such nice comments!

    Susanne: So glad you could stop by! I am glad you enjoyed them.

    Eva: Nature is so outstanding, isn't it?? Not enough time to capture all that Nature provides.

    Sandi: if only I could find the gallery to hang them in. ha

    Judy: Thanks for that great compliment!

    Blushing: It was totally awesome to be out there taking these photos, too! thanks!

    Grannyann: That is a sweet thing to say!!

    L.D.: You know, I am lucky in that at almost every vantage point, there are trees that hang over the banks for "natural" overhangs to frame the waterfalls with. Thanks so much for the nice compliments on my photos. It really means a lot to me.

  14. Ahh! Beautiful waterfalls to help me offset the nervous and generally negative feelings I've developed over the past several days from watching too many scary movies. It's been Heaven and Hell for me at the same time. These pictures help put Heaven back in the lead.

  15. that looks so amazingly soothing!

  16. Ratty: Glad I gave you some Heaven. I have one more (last) post to do of the waterfall photos and then that is it (unless I snowshoe into them this winter, which I have always wanted to do!) :-}

    Roshni: Parts of the some of the falls were soothing, but some had so much high water rushing down, it was exciting!

  17. So where is the 4" of snow?? HA! Just had to rub it in...but these shots are usual!

  18. Cathy: No snow here now...that four inches melted later that same day. (Thank goodness!) Just wet and brown here now with bare trees!

  19. Thank you for sharing these photos. What beautiful scenery!

  20. Dee-Zigns: You are more than welcome. Good to hear from you has been a long time since I heard from you!!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: