Sunday, November 1, 2009

Autumn Waterfalls: (Last) Part

This is my last set of waterfall pictures from the day we went out for some hikes to three different waterfalls in our area this autumn.

This was one of the trails of the hike to get to one of the waterfalls:

But it led to another set of little waterfalls worth seeing!:

The water was high even in this little waterfall due to the days and days of rain we had been having:

I liked the slate on the walls beside the waterfall, too:

Water came in from two sides of the river, where they merged into this waterfall:

There was still a lot of colored leaves on the trees upstream from the waterfalls:

At the crest of the falls:

Slippery rock ledges bordered the falls:

Another shot of the rushing water:

When we first hiked in, it was raining and cloudy.
By the time we got close to the falls, bright sunshine broke out, lighting up the water.
I loved how it made shadows of the trees in the forest as we approached the falls!:

At last!
A sunny day at the end of our hike to light up the river and the autumn colors:

A look at the falls through the pines:

And the last of our autumn glory
on the river:

It was on the next day that we got a HARD frost which turned all these glorious leaves to a dull brown.
We then got wind and they dried up and all blew down in the next 24 hours!!
And, as you know from a few posts back:
After that, we got snow.
Thank goodness the snow has melted (for NOW) and we just have bare trees and brown now.
But I love looking at these pictures to remind me how beautiful
the last month was.


  1. The last one is my favorite of all the photos you've shown us. Thanks for sharing, they are all very nice!


  2. Beautiful photos Joan, I loved the well worn moss covered path.

  3. The leave have pretty much peaked and are on the way out here in Maine, too. Great shots; I especially liked the one with the tree shadows.

  4. I have loved this series of waterfalls. I think you are so fortunate to have these to visit, and it's been so wonderful to be invited along!

  5. Those pictures are a feast for the eyes! So beautiful! and I love that you present them in a big format. Thanks a million!

  6. I realize all good things must come to an end but I am going to miss your glorious Fall I am looking forward to your Winter photos....:-)

  7. You capture the waterfalls well and they are always difficult things to photograph.

  8. Joan, you could keep quite busy with all the waterfalls up there!
    Great photos!
    Do you have that book on Michigan waterfalls? There are a few that are on private land, but there are lots that are easy to get to. Don and I hope to make it through the whole list...........

  9. Suzanne: Thanks so much. I miss all that color already!

    Wanda: I loved the path too. Sometimes when I look at photos of paths, I always wonder what is around the next bend!

    Grannyann: thanks so much!

    Eva: When I saw the sun break out and give us those shadows in the woods I was so excited, because I knew it would make a pretty good shot. Thanks!

    DJan: And I am so fortunate to have faithful followers like you that stop by everyday to see my photos and comment on them. Thanks so much!

    Joanna: Thanks again to you for visiting and commenting. I am so glad you liked them.

    Bernie: I hope I can find some good winter shots for everyone! I don't go out nearly as much as I do for the spring, summer and fall photos.
    I have to bundle up and get with it, don't I? ha

    Alan: Thanks. Yes, the reflection and the mist makes them hard to photograph sometimes. But when you do get a good shot, their beauty is well worth it.

    Sue: No, I don't have the book, but there is a great website that lists several up here. Next spring, summer and fall we will go exploring again to check off the list. Many of the ones I have shown are not even on the list in the book or on the website...they are ones my husband has discovered at some remote fishing locations...which makes them even more special. We never ran into any other people at them, and had them all to ourselves. :-}
    We may go snowshoeing into some of the larger ones this winter to get some great shots.

  10. Looking at these photos was like taking a mini blog vacation!
    P.S. You snowshoe too??

  11. Shelley: Glad I was able to help you take a mini vacation to the falls!
    Yes, I snowshoe, but it has been a few years since I have done much of it...I want to definitely get back to doing more this winter.

  12. Beautiful pictures -don't we live in a pretty state?

  13. Vickie: Thanks for stopping by after I left a is so great to have others from Michigan visit the blog! Did you add on as a Follower? I will stop by your blog again soon and do the same!

  14. Those pictures are gorgeous...especially the last one! I hope you don't mind but I put it as a wallpaper on my computer here at work! Thanks for inviting me to visit your blog. I will definitely be spending some time here!

  15. Ok, that first picture...WOW. I shall be the first one to buy your calendar.

  16. Beautiful photos, I love all the colors of autumn and the great falls. My favorite is the sun breaking through the trees.

  17. I must agree with "Joanna". Waht a FEAST for the eyes. I love visiting your blog and looking at a part of this beautiful country that I may never get to see in person. Thank you for allowing me to come along on your hike.

  18. Jeanette: I am SO glad you stopped by when I asked you...I just thought we would have a lot in common with our love of nature photography! I am flattered you used my photo on your computer as wallpaper, that is quite the compliment! Hope you joined on as a Follower to my blog!

    Kearsie: you are so funny. The way I am taking like a zillion pictures, I will have to do "theme" with birds, one with waterfalls, one with driftwood, one with autumn scenes...well, you get the idea. ha

    SquirrelQueen: When we got there and saw the shadows of those trees, I just loved it. I was hoping I could do it justice in a photo of it.

    Stepping: Thanks SO much for the nice compliment on my photos. It motivates me so much when people leave wonderful comments like yours on my blog!


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