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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Call for the Vote!!

Remember, a few days ago when I posted the new love of my life (my garden frog)?

Well, on this post, I asked for ideas of what to name him.

I got some good suggestions.

So, now it is time for the vote!!

Because I am such a dumb shit that I don't have a clue on how to do a survey type thingy on a blog I am not sure how to put up the correct form on a blog to make it easier for you to check off, I am begging asking you to just leave your choice in form of a comment to this blog post.

Here are the rules:
1. No later than midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on Easter Sunday, you must leave your vote as a comment to this post.

2. You may only choose a name off the list below. You had your chance earlier, that is what you get for procrastinating No making up a new name at this time.

3. You may only choose ONE of the names on the list below.
No matter how much you beg. However cash bribes may be considered. Just keep that between you and me.

Here are the ONLY names you can choose from. Please pick ONE name and send me a comment with your choice. The person who gave me the winning name in the first place will get alot of attention in a future blog post by getting a LINK to their site and a paragraph or two telling people that they need to go see your blog.

1. Ferdinand the Frog
2. Sir Tight Buns
3. Prince Freddie Frog
4. Brad
5. Ninja
6. Prince
7. Fergie Frog
8. Prince Albert
9. Mr. Wigglesworth
10. Fred the Frog
11. Frogbob BuffPants Gnometoad Xavier III
12. Woody
13. Hapy (yes, I spelled it exactly like the person who sent it, I didn't forget the extra P)
14. Mowgli
15. Willoughby

Remember to VOTE no later than midnight EST on Easter Sunday.
Vote for ONLY one name, and vote by sending me a comment to this post. Comments will not be published this time...I will only be posting the total tallies of number of votes for each name and the winning name!!
Go NUTS people...he needs a name, for goodness sake!!

I have another small blog post today, so scroll down to read it! Thanks!


DKG aka Scrappy Doo said...

ha ha Me First!
Fred the Frog (he is a stable guy with buns of steel and not afraid to wear pink and carry a umbrella/ spear. Yes, Fred the Frog is your go to guy. Rock the vote FRED!!!!!!)

Roshni said...

I would have liked to say Tight Buns but I'm so worried about what your neighbours will say when they hear you that I vote for 'Willougby'... Final answer!

Lisa said...

Ok Ok, I vote for 15. Willoughby cause how stinking cute is that?!

(I would have voted for 11. if it had been Frogbob BUTTpants - too bad!)

Uugh! the banner is in my way! Hope this works, I need my vote to be counted!

Anonymous said...

I vote..... ~~~~~~DRUM ROLL PLEASE ~~~~
Sir Tight Buns

Brittany said...

Though I like mine, I'm going with 11.

Sara said...

Hi Retired One,
I am voting for #9 Mr.Wigglesworth:)
Have a great day

Anonymous said...

Fergie Frog!!!!! and I'm your #1 follower! huggles =)

Wendy said...


sharon said...

Name the frog Woody. After my dad.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

I kind of like Prince Albert. :o)

J.J. in L.A. said...

I'm going to stick with Sir Tight Buns. : )

Rick (Ratty) said...

I choose 3. Prince Freddie Frog, of course. Good luck to all the choices though they're all good names.

You can actually create a poll with the Blogger Poll widget. It's one of the basic ones in the list. It's really easy, you just put in the choices and the question, and your done.

rainfield61 said...

NInja is my choice.

Shelley said...

I'll vote for Willoughby!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I will vote for mine! Woody! :)

Shey said...

Wow, If I only knew there was a name game going on. I'm a bit late. Could have suggested : Fairy Dude Frog, Victoria Frogette, Chez du Frog. heheh

Okay, so much for that. Here's my vote: # 7 Fergie Frog. It rhymes, that's why I like it. :)

pehpot said...

mowgli for me!

Fran Hill said...

I stick by my original choice, No 6, Prince. It was always going to be the best option, and you know it was, in your heart of hearts.

Ann said...

Must vote for 7. Fergie Frog

Aria said...

Oh honey, it hasHasHAS to be Sir Tight Buns lolololololol.

Ramblin Mama said...

I personally like Sir Tight Buns!

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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