I am sure my wonderful, beautiful and gracious regular readers
have thought I am fighting some outrageous, rare disease..
worse yet, thought I just don't care to blog anymore....
Oh, Contraire!
Somehow, my life has gotten even more full than ever and I just haven't had time
to physically sit in front of my computer.
The good news is, that I still have found time (not as much as I'd like!)
to sit in front of my camera lens and still shoot photography.
So, today, a hodgepodge of nature photos for you...
I won't even tell you the month or dates these were taken (let's just say a "few" months ago and leave it at that, shall we?)
It is the closest thing I can share with you as to what "the other side" will be like for all of us...
after all,
how could Heaven be any more beautiful than Mother Nature gives us glimpses of every now and then?
Marsh Marigolds...
Trout Lilies:
Peeking Deer!:
Marsh Marigolds, up close and personal:
Two meganser ducks, enjoying the spring sunshine:
Marsh Marigolds, even closer:
A hanging Trout Lily:
I will be posting some more Nature photos again next time and hope you will continue to read my blog, even though I haven't been posting every other day, like before.
Sometimes, real life just HAS to take precedent....but I love you all and please know that I treasure and appreciate you reading my blog whenever you can.
I am very excited today because a fellow Blogger is coming to town to have dinner with me
and my husband and her sister, who just happens to live in a town about an hour from us...
Can't wait Vicki and Ann!!
See you tonight!
Just a few more days to enter my FREE PHOTO CONTEST!
Remember..the theme this month is
(Or the USA Flag!)
Send in your photo no later than midnight, July 31st..
If you don't know the rules, just scroll to the last blogpost (underneath this one)
and click on the link!!!