Thursday, January 5, 2012

Earth, Water and Color!

I am continuing today with more autumn pictures
taken in my "neck of the woods"
(the Upper Peninsula of Michigan).


Autumn leaves after the rain:

River flowing:

Colorful reflections in the flowing water:

Freckled autumn leaves:

I thought those dried up little "sticks"
of mud in the evaporting pond
looked like gnome hats:

Colorful pond:

Loved this little fall mushroom poking out of the ground:

Hi. My name is Joan and I'm addicted to taking mushroom photography:


I hope you get a chance today to "reflect" on how wonderful Nature is
how she provides us with moments of pure joy.

Don't forget to start thinking of getting your picture into

January 2011's theme is:


You don't have to be a blogger to enter.

Just follow the rules in the post below this one.

Get your photo in to me no later than midnight, Jan. 31st, 2012.


  1. That first photo!!! LOVE the colors of that one!
    This is what struck me most when I landed in Washington when I visited the States for the first time. You have a lot of red trees, they told me they were Maple trees? We don't have them ( or hardly any) in Belgium, so our autumn landscapes are a lot duller. We have greens and oranges and yellows, but not that vibrant red. I thought it looked stunning, still do when I see your pictures!
    I half expected to see a little gnome pop up from behind that red mushroom, loved that one as well!

  2. Oh WOW! Each of these is a winner in my eyes. Thanks for the shot of colour.

  3. Wow! Beautiful pictures! So colorful and gorgeous and those mud sticks do look like knome hats!

  4. just totally gorgeous, joan, oh, ms. addicted to shrooms! :)

  5. You capture beauty on film that most of us would walk by and never notice! Thanks for sharing the wonders that we would miss otherwise.

  6. I am thinking the gnomes that left those prehistoric things by the pond moved over to live under that gorgeous condo/toad stool

  7. Breathtaking photos ! Have a great day !

  8. It is always exhilarating to see your photos, and of course inspiring for me who doesn't get splendid shots. And to see such colors of autumn is always a dream for us who doesn't have your 4 seasons. As you know we only have the dry and the wet seasons, we have evergreen greens!

  9. Wow...soooo beautiful...super quality and colors...
    Greetings Karin

  10. We just moved from MI... I miss the Fall so much! You captured it beautifully!

  11. I have a pic that's very similar to the last 'reflection' photo. Taken in MN, of course. We don't have anything like that in So. Cal. *sigh*

    Btw, I think I just thought of something 'white'. lol!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: