Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 FREE PHOTO CONTEST RULES: You can enter once a month!!!!

(They are the same as 2011's rules, but wanted to post them again!)
If you didn't see Dec. 2011's entries, I posted them yesterday.
Just drop below this post to see them.

*Please copy #1 through #7 below and attach it to your e-mails when you enter a photograph to make sure you give me all the information needed. It REALLY helps!)

1. Send your entry photo as an attachment in an e-mail to: jhaara@sbcglobal.net along with ALL of the following information:
1. State your real name:
2. State your e-mail address:
3. State your mailing address:
4. If you have a blog, state the NAME of your blog:
5. If you have a blog, state your BLOGGER NAME:
6. If you have a blog, state the exact address of your blog:
7. If you do NOT have a blog, tell me what EXACT name you want used on my blog to identify your entry (either your real name or a code name):
8. Send a reasonably-sized file attachment of your entry photograph. Extra large files will endanger my computer, so PLEASE do not send huge electronic files via your submission.
9. When you send your picture, make SURE it is right-side UP, not sideways or upside down...send it EXACTLY as you want it published.
10. You must already be (or immediately become) a Follower of The Retirement Chronicles blog to enter the contest. If you have not already done so, please do this before sending your entry via an e-mail to the above address.
11. Please e-mail your photo before 12 pm on the last day of the month of the current contest.
12. If the month’s theme involves a photograph of a person, please make sure you obtain and keep in your files : written permission of the subject of your photograph. If the subject is less than 18 years of age, you must obtain their parent’s dated, written permission before submitting the photo to the contest. The Retirement Chronicles blog site will hold the person sending in the photo for the contest responsible for getting written permission for the photo before it appears on its blog.
13. Please only submit ONE photo entry per month.
14. Please do NOT submit the same photo for any two themes or for more than one month.
15. Please keep a copy of the e-mail you sent in with your photo file attached. If you do not hear from me within 7 days of sending in your entry (by getting an e-mail from me that says I received it), then your entry is considered incomplete/not received, and this will be your backup for your file. If I publish the month's entry and accidently forgot to list YOURS, it is YOUR responsiblity to notify me immediately via e-mail. If this occurs, I will do a re-post to include your forgotten photo before I contact the judges.
16. The photo must be of appropriate content. No nudity or pornographic content will be tolerated or published. The Retirement Chronicles has the right to reject any photo from the contest that is deemed inappropriate. Any one submitting inappropriate photos will be reported immediately to the blog host site and to authorities, if needed.
17. You must not be a professional photographer. We are counting on you to be honest as this is an honor system.
18. The photo taken must be your original work and no one else’s. We are counting on you to be honest as this is also an honor system. If found that you have copied someone else's picture with or without his/her permission, you will be reported immediately to the blog host site and to authorities, if needed.
19. Past winners ARE eligible to enter and win any/all future monthly contests per majority vote of my blog readers.

Thanks again to EACH and EVERY
one of you for participating in the past
and to you who will venture on this new journey in 2012.
Please enter a photo!!!
We do it to have FUN!!!


  1. Thanks to you for giving us a chance to participate. I love this contest:)

  2. Woohoo...I'm sure no photographer. In the digital world anyway...still strugglin' here but It's gonna be fun seein' the great pictures!

    God bless ya and have a beautiful day sweetie!!! :o)

  3. Still learning my camera but heck thats what makes it fun trial and error ! Thanks for having this fun contest its great to see so many wonderful photos out there and to know others have the same passion and love I do for photography ! Have a great day !


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: