Monday, December 5, 2011

This and that from the Late Summer Woods

Back into my archives of my many summer and late summer
photos, so that I can still share them with you.

Right now, all is white outside of my U.P. windows,
but I took so many pictures last summer and fall
that I figured I didn't want them to go to waste, right???

Blue heron in flight:

A shot up a little closer:

Remember full, green canopies?
The leaves have all changed colors
and dropped off now....(sigh!):

And, sweet dragonflies are but memories now:

This shot reminds me that I have to strap on some snowshoes
and go and take some winter waterfall shots, SOON!:

Fireweed....its blossoms climbing to the top, to tell us summer is about over:

A hawk, hiding behind the leaves:

The Lily pads, changing into autumn colors on the pond:

It is hard to believe that all of this greenery
and wildlife
have all changed, now that winter is happening.

Nature is such a miracle on how it works, isn't it???


  1. The seasons keep changing on me faster and faster as I get older. I don't like cold but I love the look of fresh snow. Your photos are wonderful. I really like the lily pond changing color,

  2. Ah! What a great season! Love that blue heron shot.

  3. the pond and the falls are so beautiful! thanks for digging these out!

  4. Great nature shots, in this gray season a nice light-looking ...
    Greeting Karin

  5. Perfect post for today. It is the coldest day we have had so far,this winter. This post brought sunshine and warmth. Thanks again.

  6. nature is indeed a miracle. it dies and is reborn over and over and over. and each season is as beautiful as the one before and after it.

  7. Looking forward to your photos of water falls in winter!!!

    Gentle hugs,
    "Christmas was close at hand, in all his bluff and hearty honesty;
    it was the season of hospitality, merriment, and open-heartedness."

    ~~Charles Dickens

  8. Beautiful beautiful photos. I'm truly impressed with your talent.

  9. Beautiful pictures. I'm glad you shared them. I miss the days when everything looked like that outside. The white on the ground can be nice, but the green colors of nature are even nicer.

  10. Cheery pictures on a cold day. I like them all, and particularly the dragonfly.

  11. Such beautiful reminders of summer.

  12. I love winter reruns of Summer!!!
    Thanks pal


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