Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hidden Waterfalls!

Back at the end of August, I was missing visiting some waterfalls.

I found a website that has all of the waterfalls in our area, (listed by county!)
on the internet...along with directions on how to get to them.

But the directions in our rural area aren't always crystal clear....
the roads aren't always marked well.

This became apparent when one of the directions to find a waterfall
said to "follow the two rut road to the right until you see the old, rusted plow" and then take the left fork in the road....!!!

To top it off, the website mentioned that there are FIVE waterfalls
as you follow the river downstream...
following the riverbank.

Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but when we got there,
there was a HUGE rocky bluff we had to climb down to GET to the riverbank...
the riverbanks all the way upstream and downstream had huge boulders to climb up, around or over to find the waterfalls!!!

But we did manage to get down the steep hillside to capture ONE of them
and it was breathtaking.
Full of mossy, huge boulders.

If the water was high, I am sure the boulders would have been covered by the waterfalls flowing over them,
but since it was late summer, we got to see the boulders too.

The Upper Silver River Falls #5, located
in Baraga County, Michigan:

You can't tell from these photos,
but to the right and left of this picture there are steep cliffs going back up to where you drive to get to these waterfalls....down a two rut road or twelve....

I loved the swirling foam at the bottom of all the rocks from the falls:

I saw this mossy, twisted tree and had to snap a photo of it, too!:

I fell in love with the rocks there:


The river was full of rocks, as the water was low...
I love when that happens....

And now, this same river is iced over and full of snow.

I hope to revisit them in the spring when the water is rushing and high from the meltdown
so I can capture some more pictures of this set of falls.

If I don't die trying to get down those cliffs again!

It was so hidden, we hadn't seen any signs of anyone else being there in a long, long time....
(or skeletons of those that tried and didn't make it).

Don't forget to start thinking of what picture you want to enter into
December 2011's

The theme is:

The Epitomy of the Holidays!!

Get your photo in to me
no later than midnight on Dec. 31st, 2011 !!

Send me a photo that depicts what the holidays mean to it Christmas, Hannukah, shopping, nature, anything...

Just follow these rules.

And please don't forget to include the name of your blog and your blog address...
even if you have entered several times before...
(it really helps me when I load them into my blogpost with your entries.)

(Yes, Just a Chick in a Chair...that means YOU.) LOL


  1. So glorious, a wonderful forest and waterfall ...
    Greetings Karin

  2. Thank you for this wonderful waterfall hike. Just beautiful and oh so serene. Your pictures are fantastic.

    Have a wonderful Christmas season.


  3. ha no skeletons. smiles...i like finding cool out of the way places...sorry the water was down so much...

  4. this is magnificent. I love places like this where there are no humans but ME...when I see this it makes me wonder what our beautiful America looked like before we paved Paradise, I am thinking it was just like this.

  5. Love the moss-covered rocks and the mushrooms. Nice shots!

  6. Your forest scenes should be sold to the state of Michigan to use for travel brochures and other promotional magazines. They are so wonderful.

  7. looks like a great hidden place, but VERY difficult to get to! and slippery terrain! loved that line in the directions!!!

  8. Yikes! You are risking life and limb to get great pictures. I love those moss covered rocks. Do be careful,not picture is worth getting hurt.

  9. Beautiful photos ! have a wonderful day !

  10. I love the directions to the waterfalls. So funny!

    These are beautiful. I can almost hear the rush of the water!

  11. Your photos are some of the best I've ever seen. This is why I love the blog world. I can sit right here in my chair and be taken to the most beautiful places. Thanks so much.

  12. Even if the waterfalls is just small, the color of the rocks are beautiful.


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