Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Let's talk Turkey!!!

Now that Thanksgiving
have passed...

I thought it was safe to post my photos
of the adorable turkey family
we ran across
when out for a drive one day.....

There were so many babies, I couldn't count them because they were running across the road so fast.

Just look at the babies!!:

The "crossing guards" checking the road to see if it was safe for
the "kids" to cross....

These two looked so different! I think they were both males? But maybe it was Mom and Dad?:

Taking "Junior" out on the road!:

Whew!!!  MADE it to the other side!!:

Next group! Headem' up..roll 'em out!:

You can see by the color of the GREEN grass that this was late, late summer
even before the leaves changed colors:

"Ooooo, Awwwww, that pavement is HOOOOOOTTTT!":

"Hurry up, kids....and quit arguing whose turn it is to go first...we're talkin' possible
Semi-trucks here...let's MOVE IT!":

And, Junior...to answer your question...
No, I don't know what Stove Top dressing is....
but I don't have a good feeling about it......
and I heard those humans over there talking about having a
NEW YEAR's dinner....
not EVERYONE makes Prime Rib you know!!!
Hurry up People!!
You only have a few more days to enter the monthly

December 2011's theme is:

The Epitomy of the Holidays!!!

Send me your winning photo no later than midnight, on Dec. 31st

You don't have to be a Blogger to enter!

And remember....in January...we choose the WINNER OF THE YEAR...
all the monthly winners for Jan. thru Dec. 2011 get posted
and ONE yearly winner for the BEST PHOTO of 2011
will be chosen.

You still have a chance to get in the yearly drawing if you haven't won yet and win December's photo contest....
(And you other monthly winners can have more than ONE chance if you win in December too!)
so get GOING
and send me your photo!!!!!!!

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that you won December's contest???????....
or even better:
the 2011's BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR??????


  1. those aren't turkeys. aren't they some sort of guinea fowl?

  2. aww these are awesome...we saw a family a couple months back...crossing the road as well...did see a gaggle the other day though, like 20 of them as we drove to my parents for christmas...hope th holidays are treating you well...

  3. We see wild turkeys around here from time to time, but I've never seen such young ones! cute!

  4. Cute photos ! lol they are funny creatures arent they ? Have a wonderful day !

  5. What a sweet little turkey family. I really had a good laugh over 'stove top stuffing'.

    Have a GREAT 2012.


  6. Don't tell that family that I still have turkey remains in my refrigerator.

  7. Wow .... that's so sweet ... a wonderful series ... thanks for sharing ..
    Greeting Karin.

  8. Cute. I've seen Canada Geese crossing the road and always marvel at their road sense.

  9. this post wins you the "most adorable" award... i have seen ducks crossing the road with babies, and also opossums, but never these sweet families. what an experience you had, so glad you captured this for us to enjoy.

  10. Those baby turkeys are adorable! In the last picture the little white one looks like he's completely in the air! I'm glad they made it across safely!

  11. Awww! They are so cute!!! I would be worrying so much if I saw them crossing a road. great photos!! Happy New Year Joan!!

  12. Great pictures! I agree with TexWisGirl...those are guinea fowl.

  13. Loved those pics, how cute.
    They were Guinea Fowl.

  14. Cutest Guinea Fowl I have seen in a long time...my Grandpa used to raise them:)

  15. I had a flock of Guinea Fowl just like these when I had horse property and because of them there was never a snake on my land. They are wonderful hunters and always came home to rooste in the barn everynight.
    Happy New Year, Gail, Mistaya and Maggie


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