Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lake Splendor!

Before the change of the leaves...

before the snow....

before Christmas....

there was late summer.

And it went out in splendor!

Sunset and the moon rising....

Dusk over a small lake near where we live....

A HUGE "plate" mushroom on a wood's tree:

Wagner Falls, in September:

A migrating duck on our lake near sunset:

Dusk on our Lake Michigamme:

That cool white house on the cliff is right directly across the lake from our house...
I have always loved it.

And with ducks in front of it?

A lone goose in the water:

Heading home on the boat at dusk on our lake:

One of our lake's islands at sunset...
when the golden "civil twilight" brings out the beauty
in everything it washes:

Now..if I could just make or invent
makeup for our skin
to do what the  setting sun does
for nature...
I'd be a millionaire!!!!


  1. I am still loving your photos and read every post inhaling all that yooperness. I've been guilty of not taking the time to leave a comment to thank you for all this beauty.

    My sister and her husband have moved to Marquette - they are not about 8 hours away instead of the 2 they used to be. I miss her terribly. I am hoping to make the trip to see her in April or May.

    Hope you had a merry christmas and that your new year ROCKS!


  2. these are all just gorgeous. they fill my soul with the northern woods. :)

  3. i want the house on the lake, wow on that one. i like that island, and thanks for telling me the name of the mushroom, i have photos of these and did not know what they are called.

  4. Great shots once again, but the first was my favorite.

  5. Beautiful scenes. Let me know when you have that make-up perfected,I want to be the first to try it. LOL

  6. Beautiful scenes. I shouldn't look at nature's beauty, it makes me greedy to digest it in person.

  7. Fabulous use of light in your shots and you sure do live in a beautiful spot.

  8. Breathtakingly Beautiful & Sublime. Pure joy to see these pics. You live in a most wonderful part of the world. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wundervolle und großartige Aufnahmen...sie gefallen mir sehr gut...
    Liebe Grüße Karin


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