Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! AND First Snowstorm: Part FOUR

Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE!!!!!

I count all of you as a blessing in my life, and I thank you for sharing in my life and in my blog and photography.

I hope you are surrounded by good food and company today!!


More winter wonderland photos for you today (which looks more like Christmas than Thanksgiving):
(Maybe they will get you in the mood for Christmas shopping?) LOL

Lake Michigamme in winter snow:

Our lake will freeze over, but it is not there yet!:

This is looking off my deck at our lake. I loved that the sun was making it sparkly that day:

It doesn't seem that long ago, that I was taking wood roads covered in autumn leaves for you, and now
just look!:

I love when the skies are dark blue and the snow is fresh and then the sun peeks out
just long enough for a photo:

I loved this bent over, snow laden branch.
It reminds me of how I feel when I get back from Christmas shopping at the mall. LOL:

Love, love, LOVE winter skies with snow!:

And, open water and snow:

May your day today, be as bright as the sun on fresh snow
and full of as much magic!!


  1. wow doesnt that look beautiful...snow is so magical...happy thanksgiving!!

  2. and day i want stunning photography I just come HERE. so beautiful
    Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your day

  3. Wonderful photos soo pretty ! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving !

  4. And Happy Thanksgiving to you, Joan. I am so glad to have you in my life, and your friendship is valued and cherished. It's one of the things I am thankful for. :-)

  5. just incredibly beautiful! i can almost hear your boots in the snow and the muffled quiet of the forest. :)

  6. You have such a knack or an eye for taking the perfect photo!

  7. .... super nice shots, a great winter landscape.
    Love greetings Karin

  8. Everything looks so pretty! happy Thanksgiving to you also Joan!!

  9. These are excellent pictures. I love those first snowy scenes.

  10. It is a great to have you as a blogger friend and photo mentor. I really enjoy keeping track of the UP through your photos. Our son in Bar Harbor, Maine also has snow.

  11. Snow makes such beautiful pictures. Great compositions too. Just lovely. No Thanksgiving Day here but we have bright sunshine drenching the garden making the leaves and flowers shine.

  12. Lovely... Lovely... Lovely...

    Gentle hugs,
    "Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do-or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so."
    ~Stanley Crawford

  13. Happy Thanksgiving! A little know how that goes! Great wintery photos..our snow melted some! :)

  14. Wonderful photos! Over the river and through the woods...


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: