Saturday, November 26, 2011

First Snowstorm: Part FIVE

I took a ton of photos of our first snowstorm this today, we continue:

A branch of color and white:

Pines loaded with snow:

A woodpecker looking for treats in the snow:

Our woodpile, ready for the weather!:

Two lovey doves!:

And three huddling during the storm:

The plow cleared the snow!:

Every winter here, my camera and I find this particular driveway into someone's property on the opposite side of the lake because I am smitten with their gate full of snow!:

Clear blue skies after the big storm!:


  1. Snow is cold and wet and can be such a pain in the butt but it sure can be pretty, too! I can't wait for our first good snowfall! (Did I just say that?)

  2. ok so i was shivering a bit by the woodpecker pics....

  3. i would love to travel both those roads, and the sweet little doves make me happy. cute woodpecker and it looks like the orange leaves were especially placed there for color

  4. Gorgeous! I love that kind of snowy world.

  5. such beauty in fresh, clean, heavy snow! my sister was glad they didn't lose power thru this one.

    i love your sweet doves...

  6. These photos are absolutely stunning! I love snow and snow photos and evergreens loaded with snow and birds huddling in the snow and ---- I LOVE SNOW!!!

  7. We still have no snow, and I'm content looking at your photos of it! The birds look awfully cold, though.

  8. Whose woods these are I think I know....

  9. Beautiful photos ! I dont like winter very much but I will admit it makes for great photos ! I am waiting for snow to fall here still, today its warm with sunny periods which is insaine as we are known here as the great frozen north living in any part of Canada ! Have a great day !

  10. Hi there you may not have even missed me but I have been absent for awhile, holidays and then the olive harvest, it is taking me awhile to catch up with all my favourite blogs. What a surprise to see all your fabulous snow photos. I have missed entering your photo competition and although I doubt it will be this year, I will be back. Especially since I have now set up my own photography blog.

  11. Beautiful pictures. The white landscape is fantastic. such pretty birds ..
    I wish you a beautiful and peaceful Advent time ...
    Greetings Karin

  12. Although I love spending the cold months in AZ, I must say that those winter snow photos are beautiful and made me long for home!


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