Monday, October 17, 2011

We have a Winner!: Sept. 2011 Free Photo Contest: Theme: Shadows!!

Even though I had a computer crash
(times TWO)


even though all the entrants were forgiving and understanding....(thank you ALL so much!!)

I managed to have that all happen
behind the scenes, unbeknown to my Judges.

(Thank Goodness!!)

If you missed the blogpost where I listed them all, please click HERE.
So, off all the photos went to them
they had to choose only ONE winner.....

And choose they did!

Here is some of the comments made about September's winning photo:
the theme was:


--"It was the dramatic catch that made me choose that photo"

--"An awesome shot of the perfect moment"

--"I loved this shot the moment I saw it. Very dramatic. Who could see it and not be emotionally moved?"

I think you will agree.

So, without further delay, here is the winning photo!

Congratulations to Gail!

A job well done!!!

Go to her blog, called: "Our Live's Adventures".
It has some great shots of her outdoor adventures for sure.

Other "honorable mentions" this month were:
--Sharon W.

Once again, a huge thank you to each and every one of you that entered my contest, and a special thank you to those of you that I forgot to list the first few times I ran the entries due to my computer problems.
You guys are the BEST!!!

And you continue to blow me away with your imagination and dedication on entering your photos. Each of you deserved to win.

Don't forget to enter the October's FREE PHOTO CONTEST
on this very blog!!

October's theme is:

"The Epitomy of Autumn"

Just submit your one winning shot by midnight, Oct. 31st, 2011 of a picture that depicts fall to you!

Follow these RULES.

You don't have to be a Blogger to enter!!


  1. Well deserved.
    They were all good. You are doing a fabulous job of running this contest, its fun to participate...
    Have a fabulous day.

  2. A beautiful fantastic photo.
    Congrats to Gail.

  3. A very striking photo! And interesting theme. Congrats to the winner.

  4. What a fabulous photo- talk about the right place at the right time. Congrats, Gail!

  5. Congrats to the winner! What a beautiful shot!

  6. Thank you all and thank you Joan for the opportunity to share my favorite photo! Your photo contest is always full of such interesting and beautiful photos.

  7. welcome to tina´s picstory! i´m following you back because you have a wonderful blog :)

  8. Wow! That is one amazing photo! Congrats to the winner!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: