Wednesday, October 19, 2011


As promised, today I begin a series of photos of the beautiful Upper Peninsula (U.P.)
of Michigan's autumn.

We took several trips out in the woods to try and capture the changing colors, as well as visiting
several waterfalls this autumn too.

We had two huge wind storms with rain,so the colors didn't last as long  as I had hoped,
but I got out there as much as possible to bring you photos.

I am starting with the latest ones, and will work backward on my blogposts,
as I knew you wanted them asap.


I love woods' roads when they are full of color:

In certain areas, all the trees are golden. In other areas, you get the reds and oranges mixed in:

A river with some floating leaves on it:

I love being near water when our leaves change, because you get them reflected.
This boulder with the caught leaves in them next to swirling river water caught my eye:

A little creek just full of fallen leaves on its sides and banks:

Slate River Falls as the afternoon sun was setting:

This is a well-known spot called "Big Erik's bridge" after a huge fella who was a logger back in the day.
In the spring, many trout fishermen and fisherwomen come here to catch trout.

The falls are pretty year-round.

They were very low due to less rain the day we went here:

Another shot of them through fall foliage:

A creek, a boulder and the glorious color:

While hiking, this little chipmunk hopped up on this old tree stump, and was lit by the sun.
I just had to snap a photo of him!:

There will be more autumn photos to come...
I'm just getting started!!

Hope your leaves are still up, ours have all blown off now and they are saying the "S" word for this coming week....
I am NOT ready!!!!


  1. Such gorgeous color in your fall adventures. Just beautiful!

  2. Looks like something out of a Robert Frost poem. So lovely.

  3. Stunning photos of Autumn. I would love to walk the forest roads and kick up the leaves.

  4. magnificent colors and roads i would like to wander down, but if you try REAL hard you can guess which photo i LOVE LOVE LOVE

    did you guess? the chipmunk of course.

  5. Gorgeous pictures! I love the fall colors with the water, too! The colors seemed to come and go fast this year. I think we are at our peak right now in the Southeast LP. Got to get into the woods this weekend to get some pics!

  6. Boy, these are really making me excited for the beauty of Autumn. I just love that little chipmunk at the end. :)

  7. Fantastic photos.
    Yeah we had wind storms and rain as well and all the leaves are now on the ground boohoo , I did at least get some fall sceanery. Did you use a lens filter for your 6th image of the water fall ? Have a wonderful day .

  8. ooo these are lovely autumn pics...cute little chipmunk as have inspired me...heading out for the woods today...

  9. such beauty!!! love all the colors and water and reflections! and the chippie!!!

  10. Stunning! Love the chipmunk visitor. The fall is such a beautiful time of year. Love the reflections in the waters. Always worth my time to stop and visit here, that's for sure. Hope you don't get snow already! Too soon!! :)

  11. oh wow Joan, these are just beautiful...I can't wait to show these to Gram...(yes, I peeked)...she will love these...I had planned to take her out for a drive to see the color but the darn wind came and blew all the color away here in the palm of the mitten...

  12. Thanks for this peek into your fall world. I love it. Hardly any leaves on the trees here.BOO HOO.:(

  13. so doesn't look like a real place!!

    i would love to be walking on that path today!!

  14. Gorgeous! I was in MN in '08 for the Fall colors. We're planning on going back next Fall if I can swing it.

  15. You got some good ones!! Beautiful colors. I like the reflections in the water. Nice of that little chipmunk to pose for you!! We still have some leaves on the trees but not for long. One more windy, rainy day will take care of them all I think. I've seen snow here on Halloween before so it could come at any time here also. Nothing we can do about it. At least with snow on the ground I can see the animals better..ha ha !

  16. What gorgeous colors! Autumn has certainly arrived in your area. We still have lots of green with hints of color.

    Shhh, lets don't mention the 's' word just yet.

  17. I could drink in these lovely images all day long!

  18. You sure find a lot of waterfalls!! Love the boulder shots.

  19. You live in a beautiful area, and you really get out and capture its beauty.

  20. The S word already? We have barely even had a frost yet here in the northeast which is very unusual for late October!

    Wonderful images, Joan! Aren't we fortunate to live in such beautiful parts of the country?!


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