Friday, October 7, 2011

Revisiting a Late Summer Garden: Part THREE

More photos today of a late summer garden
at Carp River Gardens
Negaunee, Michigan
in the great Upper Peninsula (U.P.)

Love spikey needles on a pine tree!:

I posted pictures of these funky benches before, but I couldn't help myself..I had to take more photos of them!:

Somehow, Christmas carols are playing in my head:

It is too early for THAT....
back to summer!!!:

He showed up right when I was going to snap a flower photo....
camera HOG!!

But I had to admit, he is gorgeous!:

It doesn't seem like summer until the day lilies are out!:

Hope you are enjoying this "late" series from late summer....
I am still out there in the U.P. tromping the woods taking autumn photos to wow you with in a few weeks...
until then, enjoy this series revisiting summer and know that I am thinking of every single one of you
as I am hiking the woods this autumn gathering gems for you!


  1. Wonderful photos, especially the ones with the dragonfly.


  2. Pine needles! I could almost smell them. :)
    I can see why you'd get more shots of that bench. It is unique and beautiful.
    The dragonfly is stunning! The day lilies speak of summer.
    Always enjoy visiting your blog. Have a great weekend! :):)

  3. You sure are handy at getting dragon fly shots! I never can find any that sit still long enough! Beautiful!

  4. Nothing like setting up for a shoot then your lens starts going heywire trying to focus on the new arrival. He sure is pretty and knows it, look at that pose.

    If it had not been such a HOT summer I would almost wish we could back up a few months just for the lovely flowers.

    Fantastic photos as always.

  5. Fantastic photos as always. have a wonderful weekend.

  6. glad you took more of the benches, they are really cool! and the pine tree shots are my most favorite for today. who knew the tip of a limb could be so pretty

  7. wow and double wow to the dragon fly and the orange lily!

  8. the damselfly is spectacular! looking forward to your fall woods!

  9. Gorgeous. That Damselfly is so pretty.I think that is what it is?

  10. beautiful damsel very pretty! :)

  11. Awesome pictures, especially the dragonfly. I love that garden furniture with it's unique design.

  12. Those pine needles are pretty but let's knock off the Christmas talk for awhile or least until all the leaves fall and I get them raked. :)

    Love your shot of the damselfly, she is a beauty.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: