Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Late Summer Garden: Part FOUR (oh, and a visitor on the same day!)

Thanks for continuing to follow my blog and this series of late garden photos
as you await my autumn photos to arrive....
I am still gone on many a hike to get autumn photos for future blogposts
for you,
thus pre-publishing these garden photos for you in the meantime.

One of my favorite summer flowers: daylilies!:

And on a trip out on the lake on the same day?
An eagle landed!:

Wasn't this supposed to be a blogpost about a GARDEN??

Well then,
back to business!!!

A closer look at the inside of a clematis:


I love them...I grew my first one in my garden this year and was thrilled!


A week later, the wind blew it down.

Isn't that how life goes?

Victory and defeat.

Ah, but that makes the victories all the sweeter!


  1. I would so love for an eagle to land in my late summer garden or any garden. great shot. i love that inside of the Clematis.

  2. okay, the eagle in that glorious old tree stole the show! :)

  3. An Eagle is almost as pretty as any flower,so these were welcome shots. Beautiful pictures,every one of them.

  4. i just blog about what i love!! so exciting to see an eagle and get fantastic pictures!!

    have a wonderful sunday!!

  5. Autumn gardens can be so pretty..and yours certainly is. And the Eagle must have been a wonderful surprise to see.

  6. Love those bald eagle photos! Just stunning!

  7. I realy like the Eagle photos.
    And the day lilly is fantastic.

  8. That's okay--I loved the eagle shots!! Awesome!
    The inside of the clematis is gorgeous! All of the colors in the petals that I wouldn't have noticed from farther away and the orange bursting from the center--delicious!
    Great post! :)

  9. Superb!! Beautiful photos :) I love your new background.

  10. You should be getting paid big bucks for these photos! Awesome. The eagle is majestic.

  11. An eagle, wow! I wish I could see one in my garden. I had a huge display of foxgloves in the garden this year and hopefully next year. Instead of ripping them out I could them down to enable new growth. The insects will be pleased.

  12. Beautiful images, one and all but what a thrill to be visited by that Baldie. What a gorgeous bird.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: