Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!! Your treat? : This and that from Autumn in the U.P.

Happy Halloween to everyone!!!!!

Hope you get more treats than tricks today!

My treat???:
More autumn photos for you today!!

We tried to hike outside almost every day that it wasn't raining to get autumn pictures for you.

Here is a collection of some of the ones we took just for YOU!:

These are the Power Dam falls, right near L'Anse, Michigan:

You just might smell the sweet smell of autumn that went with this place:

This was a little side falls from the side of another falls, but I loved the rocks with the fall leaves all over them:

Holy tree mushrooms!:

I loved this rusty orange fungus growing all over the rocks:

Another shot of the Power Dam falls.
Some people like the "frozen action" falls effect....
And others like the "dreamy falls" effect.

I like them both.

Quartz Falls:

Don't you just LOVE waterfall shelves full of autumn leaves???:

Don't forget that TODAY is your LAST day to enter the October

Get your photo into me no later than midnight tonight!!


  1. Happy Halloween to you, too! I know I have until midnight to get my picture in, I'm hoping I don't forget! :-)

  2. this holy tree mushrooms are really cool...what a neat texture...thank for the treat all the pic look wonderful

  3. i love those falls, the stacked up rock look is great. the orange fungus is really pretty and that is a ton of mushrooms on that log. wow on that one. i like the side view of the falls. can't smell the autumn but i love seeing it. maybe they will come up with scratch and sniff soon for blogger.

  4. You're right I can almost smell the fall fragrance in the air, and hear the leaves crunch under my feet.

  5. The waterfalls are so pretty. And I've never seen so many mushrooms!!

  6. I love the falls. I am also interested in the shots of the fungus and mushrooms they are beautiful.

  7. they are all just gorgeous!! i love autumn, the most beautiful time of the year!!

  8. I need to come take a walk in your woods!

  9. I always love your waterfall pictures. Now that I'm living in the hills in Iowa I'm hoping that I might get to see a waterfall or two for myself.

  10. At the risk of repeating myself...


  11. Wonderful photos....great shots...
    LG: Karin

  12. Shelves are so cool because you can walk out onto them and be close to the action. Gorgeous shots as usual and mushroom growth is great. I like the color of the growth on the rocks.

  13. Oh wow, fungi and falls! I love them both.

    Quartz Falls is gorgeous and I really like the reflection in your photo.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: