Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ask not for whom the Autumn calls, it calls for YOU!

As promised,
today I am continuing my series on
the U.P. autumn photos
I have taken over the last four weeks.

My favorite thing to do is to find canopied old woods roads and travel down them
looking to capture shots of the colors:

Tied by my other favorite thing to do,
and that is to find photos of waterfalls.

I like to do waterfalls anytime of  year,
but autumn makes them extra special, with colored banks
and leaves floating in the waters:

This photo was taken up at Copper Harbor.
I just loved the little bridge and cabin:

Looking out from Copper Harbor towards Lake Superior through those little islands:

Rivers full of rocks, boulders and leaves!:

One bright red leaf in the pile of dead leaves!:

Amazingly in this spot, although every thing else turned color, the green ferns were still green!:

Love creeks, rivers and babbling brooks full of autumn:

Join me again next time for more shots of the north in color!


  1. You find the most beautiful spots to share. Thank-you.

  2. Wonderful photos. Have a wonderful day.

  3. so beautiful, all of these. i love the bright contrast of orange and green in the leaf shot and my fav today is the boathouse shot.

  4. Number 3 is definitely a favorite...a great jigsaw puzzle!

  5. a wonderful autumn series ... every single photo is a pleasure .... I like your photos very well .... great color and quality ...
    Thank you for entry in my reader list .... the google translator is the right sidebar at the top ...
    LG: Karin
    Please excuse my bad english ...

  6. No wonder this is my favorite season! Your wonderful pictures remind me why!

  7. The photos are so vibrant with fall colors I love the road canopy shot. Beautiful!!!!!

  8. Your photos are just wonderful. The fall color just gives us one more change in the landscape to add to our collection of outdoor photos. The waterfalls are just marvelous to see. I bet the sound is wonderful.

  9. so gorgeous. well worth the wait! :)

  10. That first picture invited me in. Awesome photos, as usual!! :)

  11. So beautiful. Nature is so wonderful and spontaneous.

  12. Your pictures are beautiful. I would love to just walk down that road in the first one....very slowly, it is breathtaking!

  13. This is beautiful. We are lucky here in Michigan we see the beautiful four seasons. ^_^ Thanks for the visit!

  14. You captured autumn so well. The lane in the woods inspires me to write an autumn story.

  15. So pretty up there!!! Have you had any snow yet?? We got our first snow flakes yesterday. To the East they are expecting lots of snow tomorrow. Yikes! Your pictures are gorgeous!!

  16. I would love to take a walk down the road in your first photo, that is a gorgeous scene. The colors are gorgeous over you way!


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