Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Second Blogpost that was left in Draftland

As mentioned in my last blogpost,
when looking at my Edit Post list
I found a few blogposts that I had left in "draft" land and had forgotten to post for you.

I swear, this menopause thing is NOT working for me in the memory department. LOL

For now, I will remain in denial and just blame it on my super busy spring and summer instead.


Today you get the photos that I SHOULD have shared with you back in June or July.

Remember the post where I confessed to being "smitten" by Trilliums?
Well, I still am.

Trilliums under an old log full of tree mushrooms??!!!
Well, let's just say I couldn't have oil painted a better combination for me!:

Except maybe Trilliums AND Forget-Me-Nots side-by-side!:

A river bank full of Marsh Marigolds (cowslips):

Purple Finch!
(They all look more red to me than purple....but who am I to argue with bird professionals?)

I loved how these trilliums made a ring completely around this little tree trunk:

Their pure white leaves look so wonderful on the forest floor:

Looking at these later than when I wanted to post them
gives me a repeat of that "I'm-so-dang-excited-it's-Spring" feeling all over again...
maybe my memory lapse was Freudian or something...

Because now I am glad I forgot them until now!


  1. I am just glad you did post them.Look what I would have missed if you hadn't.These are all soooo pretty.

  2. These are lovely photos you rescued from Draftland, Joan. ..especially the Marsh Marigolds!

  3. You've clicked some really beautiful photos. I specially liked the second one, it's just so lovely.

  4. Awesome photos ! I get the menopause thing to um whats it called ! Oh ya memery loss, I call it a a brain fart lol ! Have a wonderful day !

  5. your finches are georgeous!!! male house finches and purple finches, i can't tell the difference!!! they are beautiful and red for sure!!!

  6. I've one that before and then I'm so happy because I don't have to write a blog post that day! Lol. So you're not alone. Love the marigolds.

  7. a couple of weeks ago, i found 5 in my drafts, one all the way back to Jan of this year and the rest 2 or 3 months. i was happy too because all i had to do was schedule them. that little bird is so pretty no matter what color he is. he does look red and I love red so that is good. the flowers are awesome and now spring is here all over again

  8. nice...think you might find me near that river bank...listening to its peaceful burble...

  9. Purple finches ... you're right, they do look more red than purple. Loved the trilliums, I've never seen them before. Do you find that if you post something that is still in draft it goes under the date on the draft. I've done that a few times and wondered where it had gone ... only to find it way down the list of posts. Bah!

  10. trilliums always make me homesick for my youth in Wisconsin and the hours i'd spend in the woods near my farm home. {sigh}

  11. Love that purple finch. I don't think I've ever seen one!

  12. Better late than never I always say! Great shots.
    'hugs from afar'

  13. Maybe you can forget a few summer posts until the dead of winter. ;) I agree.. they're red not purple. And Green Herons are more blue and purple than green. Go figure. Lovely pics.. trillium is the provincial flower of Ontario.

  14. The forest flowers are all beautiful. We don't see them here. Welcome to the club of senior moments.

  15. Maybe there are still something in there from the Draftland, or in the other other part of the brain just shelved for posting. You have wonderful photos there that we need as inspiration, just like those photos above. I envy your photos, believe me!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: