Thursday, August 18, 2011

Do You See What I See???

I looked at my "edit posts" list
and realized I had a bunch of posts
that were still left as drafts
that I had not published yet!

Silly ME!

Do you see what I see?:

Oh he is hiding.  But not doing a very good job of it:

Pretty hard to hide THIS rack:

We were THRILLED to catch another moose in our woods to photograph!:

I think this is the eighth moose I have been able to capture with my lens.

But every single time---

it is a thrill.

Every single time, I am so excited that I can hardly take the photo:

He wouldn't come out from behind the tree.

He took off fast after giving me a long hard stare.

And, if you notice, the hair on his back has risen up.
It is his way of saying that he wasn't too thrilled with me snapping away at him:
But that's okay...

He'll get used to it...

Because I'll be back..........lens in hand. (Whenever he's in the woods, I'll be looking for him).


  1. He is a beauty and i can understand your excitement. I love the shape of its big wide nose.

  2. I did a similar thing recently. I thought I was coming up to my 1,000th post but on careful examination I discovered that the number included a couple of dozen "drafts". I had a look through mine, but there was nothing of any interest - unlike your drafts which deserve to see the light of day.

  3. so cool. seeing a moose, live and in person is on my bucket list...

  4. almost every time i come here, my eyes turn green with envy. i can not even imagine the thrill of seeing this magnificent animal for real. had no idea they could put up their hackles. thanks for the view

  5. sooooo exciting....i love seeing animals in the wild, it really makes my heart smile!!!!

  6. And I get excited when the bunny that lives behind our wood pile comes out into the yard... man, I need to go somewhere with more wildlife lol

  7. Great captures.
    Although your model did not liked much.

  8. He's a baby .. look at the fuzz on his antlers .. and I suspect he was afraid.

  9. Aren't they just the coolest animal???

  10. GREAT job! love his velvety antlers. :)

  11. Wow! Very cool to live some place where you can see a moose in your woods. I really like the shot where it looks like he is peaking out from behind the tree.

  12. Oh I love this and I'm so jealous that you get to see moose in real life. When I was over your way I hoped to see one but never did. Hubby bought me a cuddly moose to compensate.

  13. Very cool! I hope to see a moose in the woods one day, too!

  14. What a fun day in the woods that was! The moose was always my favorite big creature to catch on film when I lived in Montana. Not many large creatures living here by the sea but we see many beautiful American Eagls. They are fun to photograph and a challenge to get a good picture!

  15. Oh my! Loved that you took us on this discovery!

  16. That is WAY COOL! I have YET to see a moose in all our travels! Well, a LIVE one! Ha ha!

  17. He is a cutie! He does look rather young, probably very curious. Apparently mama wasn't too close or you could have had a problem. Keep your eyes open and stay close to the car when you see these guys.

    Great shots Joan, now I'm curious what else you have in draft. :)

  18. Oh very cool! I've never seen a moose in the wild and I'm thrilled for you that you can capture this guy. Just be careful... that's a big beastie!

  19. Wonderful! You see to be really lucky capturing the Moose! :)


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