Friday, July 8, 2011

White, Yellow, Pink and Green and Birds and Dragonflies in between!

Continuing with the spring photos today..
and some late spring ones too.

I love the bright, sunny colors that the new plants and
flowers bring to spring.

Especially the bright, neon green of fresh growth and the sunny yellows, bright pinks and bright whites...

Marsh Marigolds (cowslips):

New apple blossoms sprouting on our apple trees:
(at the time this posts, those blossoms are now apples growing, about the size of a large quarter already!)

Cherry Blossoms!:

Chipping sparrow at our feeders (just threw that in because with Spring, comes all KINDS of birds to our feeders!):

I always know it is getting warmer when I see that
dragonflies have hatched!:

Bohemian Waxwing in our apple blossoms!:

I loved this log full of mushrooms overhanging a field full of fresh white

Bright green, unfurling ferns!:

Mother Nature really does a good job of putting fresh flowers
and colors on its table for us after a long, drab
winter, doesn't she??

I'd like to invite her over to help me do my delayed spring cleaning...
what do you say, Mom Nature???


  1. Lovely photographs - I would expect nothing less from you.

  2. Beauty- for sure. Spring cleaning- not so much! Save it for the winter, the enjoyment of nature is more important.

  3. I am truly impressed with every single one of these photos, they are all magnificent, each and every one. each time i scrolled down i thought, oh this is my favorite no this is my favorite Wow love those flowers. the log is wonderful

  4. Wonderful shots. Especially enjoyed the ferns!

  5. nice...dragonflies are a fav...saw one the other day that had half black and half translucent wings...magical

  6. The detail in these photos is amazing! Again, thanks for sharing!

  7. I saw dragonflies and scrolled down fast...they have such magical wings and I figured you'd have an amazing photo. I wasn't disappointed. Then I went back and read and looked at every one. All lovely! That fern bud is stunning! No--you never disappoint! :):)

  8. Every single one is so beautiful.

  9. Great pictures, Joan... Makes me yearn for spring again... ha---never satisfied!!!!!!

    Those last couple of fern pictures are marvelous... Wow!

  10. Your photos are just marvelous. I love the dragonfly and you're a master of capturing the beauty of the unfurling ostrich ferns.

  11. The endless variety and beauty in nature is always amazing. Beautiful shots!! Thank you!

  12. Love, love, love the macros! That dragonfly was awesome!

  13. very cool! I need to lay with the macros on my camera

  14. These Photos are all awsome. thank you for sharing.
    There is no way I could pick one as a favorite.

  15. Gorgeous pics as usual! But I have a question...

    Is it pronounced 'cows lips' or 'cow slips'? ; )

  16. I liked your photos on this and your previous blog post - Dave

  17. Awesome photos, as always! I thought it was neat that the dragonfly's wings, up close, look like the stained glass windows in our church. Very cool!

    I agree, spring is an absolute welcome relief from winter, and it's as if mother nature is celebrating it with lots of COLOR!!!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: