Saturday, April 30, 2011


When we went to Florida in Feb./March
we saw lots of fun tropical birds.

I had never seen a real stork up close
and a friend of mine knew of a little pond to take me to
in a subdivision that has storks that visit there
all the time, along with ibis and egrets.
I was all for that, so off we went with my camera in hand!!

My first impression was that they had a face
only a mother could love.

They have a turkey buzzard type of face:

But as I stayed near them a while, they began to fascinate me:

They had these neat black feathers under all that white...but they walked and didn't fly, so I never did get a shot of their beautiful black and white wings.

Their faces looked more reptilian next to their white, soft it was a mis-match of parts that The Force put together:

He used his long beak like chinese chopsticks:

Pretty brown eyes though:

I LOVED the fluffy chin tuft of feathers under his face:

Oh MY! He spoke!:

Wow...the texture in his face!:

All those ibis and only two storks! They are royalty in the neigborhood and they feed them:

"I should be GETTING royalties for all the pictures you are taking, lady!":

"You probably can't tell (because my eyes point to the side), but I AM staring at you right now!":

Okay--I admit it now...I think he has his own unique beauty.

"I always win over the ladies, once they get to know me!":

"Look at this handsome profile!":

 That's it....keep posing for me, pretty bird!

An action shot!:


When we went to Homosassa Springs Nature State Park, there was a whole BUNCH of them!:
I wonder if they were looking at US...
saying how ugly they thought WE were....
but maybe we convinced them that we have our own kind of beauty, too....

Ok are OUT of time! (almost)

You only have until midnight TONIGHT
to get me your montly photo for the FREE PHOTO CONTEST!
The theme is:


Just follow THESE RULES..but hurry!!


  1. nice. great shots...hey we each have our own beauty just takes an artist to appreciate it...smiles.

  2. i love love love love love the storks. i have several photos but none up close like these, they are common sight here but most of the time they are to far away to get this much detail and since you did the up close i can see they are not as ugly as i first thought. the first time i saw one in bray park, I was shrieking at diane, what is that???? when she said wood stork I said Like the ones that bring babies? YEP was the answer. great post.

  3. Amazing! Just tell him we are done with deliveries at this house. Thanks!

  4. That face could use some beauty cream,but there is a certain charm to them.Great pictures.Too bad you didn't get a flight shot.

  5. Wow! I have NEVER seen a stork before! You are right. They ARE kind of strange looking.....their odd faces against their beautiful bodies. husband NEVER says that he loves my "fluffy chin tuft of feathers" under MY face!

  6. They are an unusual looking bird. The feathers do seem so fluffy!

  7. Okay Joan; if those are storks, where are the babies?

    actually, they aren't as pretty as the vision I had in my head, are they?

    I hope you are having a fabulous day!

  8. Lovely pictures. They are soooo white and clean looking.

  9. Great shots of the wood stork.
    You should see their babies...
    so ugly they are cute.

  10. Your bird pictures are always so special. I wonder if, when we are splattered by birds overhead, is it because someone has sent a message saying, "Get that lady in the white blouse - she's been bugging me with her darn camera!"

  11. I have never seen a stork either, except in cartoons. They are strange looking birds but the more I looked at your photos the more I liked them. Gorgeous photos Joan.

  12. Fabulous shots. I didn't realise how ugly they were but from a distance they are lovely.

  13. I didn't realize the stork was so ugly!

  14. Just started reading your blog- funny stuff! Hooked already, lol!

  15. Wow.. those closeups are just wonderful. Such detail.

  16. I missed the deadline, probably next time. You got some really neat entries this month. Unusual I must say.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: