Thursday, April 28, 2011

Still This and That from Winter Photographs!

Even though where YOU live,
you may have already raised a small farm and eaten produce...
up here in the North, we had snow very late,
spring weather came for a week and a half,
and then we got hit with major cold and snow AGAIN.

So during this confusing time we call Spring up in the U.P.
(where you can never put your longjohns away for more than a few weeks)
I still had winter to shoot with my lens.

Here are some random shots of the end of our winter (and the beginning of our spring!)

Lovely tree mushrooms:

Moss on a snowy tree:

Rapids in the melting river:

More 'shrooms:

Love those twisted roots:

In black and white too!

Didn't need snowshoes, but I did take my poles to help steady me when I sunk into random spots in the melting snow:

I love these little stalagtights hanging over the rushing river water:

Everywhere, texture and mushrooms!:

Nature accomodated the rock and the roots grew right over it into trees:

This woodpecker thought it was pretty convenient that the loggers brought the wood down to HIM:

The woods were very quiet that day, until I heard the tap-tap-tap of this little guy:
I hope you have lovely memories of winter and that your spring is more
progressed than ours.

Our snow melted quickly during a week and a half, and then on April 16th, we got another snow storm
that dumped us with a bunch of snow.
I am pre-publishing this blogpost, so hopefully by the time it posts,
our snow will once again be only a memory here too....


  1. The spring down here isn't much further along. We are finally done with snow, but only just barely. The bottoms of those trees have great shapes. And I always love downy woodpeckers.

  2. Don't you hate it when the promise of spring comes, then goes again? - Dave


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