Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Hoarfrost!

At the end of our winter...and just the hint of Spring coming,
we had a very hard frost.

I woke up to my delightful hoarfrost
and rushed out to get photos of it.
It never fails to amaze me with all the spikey
ice crystals clinging on to grasses and trees.

Even dead weeds become gorgeous with the hoarfrost clinging to it:

At the edge of a road was a frozen mud puddle with grass frozen.
Little blades of grass sticking up from the frozen ground had these spikes of hoarfrost:

You can see the ice of the frozen puddle UNDER the blades of grass sticking up, full of hoarfrost
on this shot. The other grass is frozen UNDER the ones sticking up:

Like snowflakes, no two crystals are supposed to be alike:

Love, love the hoarfrost "caps" on these weeds!"

Who knew that nature would provide an ice show on simple weeds?:

I loved the extended spikes on this blade of grass on the iced pond:

I knew you were getting too spoiled by all the wonderful Spring weather...
so I decided I better remind you of colder days....
Even cold days can bring beauty.
You just have to look.
Getting closer to that midnight, April 30th, 2011 deadline for the
Don't forget to enter this month...the theme is:

E-mail me your picture..
you don't have to be a blogger to enter...
Just follow THESE RULES!!


  1. Lovely shots .. 90° here, so I appreciate the
    frost .

  2. their structures are so cool...little castles lines along the hill of the stem...

  3. It takes as special photographic genius to get shots like this. Bravo!

  4. Nature is amazing. Something beautiful comes out of something we don't like to see when it's Spring. We had snow and sleet yesterday. It was so windy and cold. And it was 28 degrees this morning. Can't wait for the warmer weather to come next week. It's supposed to be up to 70!!
    Happy Easter!!

  5. these are extraordinary! I do so love this kind of photo, these are what I love to do. finding the beauty in God's creation, small bit by bit. you done GOOD! LOVE them all

  6. These are beautiful shots!!! I wanted to get out yesterday and take some shots, but it didn't work out so I'm glad you did! (and the way my internet is right now I don't know as I could patiently wait to upload photos!)

  7. Beautiful, Joan.... I always love close-ups of hoarfrost...

    Rainy here this morning --but nothing severe (thank God).

    Happy Easter.

    Have a great weekend.

  8. Sucks that you had frost like that but what beautiful photos you got. Have a wonderful Easter.

  9. My children think I'm crazy but I love hoar frost. It makes the whole world look like it was dipped in powdered sugar.

  10. So very pretty. You managed to get some spectacular shots.

  11. Wow! These are all so gorgeous.Your photography skills are very evident.

  12. Awesome photos! It takes a good eye to come up with photos like these.

  13. I love the pink-tinted pics. Don't know if that was on purpose but it's gorgeous!

  14. Beathtaking. So very very beautiful

  15. Wonderful ice crystal shots! - Dave

  16. So beautiful! I love the close up shots of the crystals!

  17. Truly beautiful. The name Hoarfrost doesn't sound so nice. But just goes to show you...

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog. Those are absolutely fantastic pictures. I have always loved the little intricate beauty of frost crystals -- perhaps because we get so little of it in Florida!

  19. Isn't it amazing how even drab browns are transformed into works of art by the little ice crystals? I love your macro shots, gorgeous!

  20. Nature is amazing! So are your photos!

  21. Incredible and beautiful photos! I don't think I've ever seen frost photographed up close like this before. Who knew they crystals were so spiked and that each one was a different shape? I learned something new today! Thanks, Joan!

  22. I'm catching up on blog reading this morning. Your frozen falls are so cold looking, and it's still too cold here to want to see all of that ice, but your frost pics - WOW! Just amazing!

  23. Congratulations on being selected for POTW. How I love the intricate details of macro photography. Well done!!!

  24. the frost on top of the dried blooms creates a whole new flower ~ beautiful shots!

    congrats on potw

    off to enter you monthly photo contest :)

  25. marvelous finds in the simplest places. It is fun to see the direction the ice forms

  26. Lovely photographs. Those crystals are amazing, though, I will say, even though I don't hate winter, better you than me. I'm glad to have blossoms and open windows lately.

    Congratulations on your potw.

  27. Oh, there really is nothing as magical and gorgeous as hoar frost! These photos are fabulous!

  28. beautiful photos of the hoarfrost..although I wish it was warmer:)

  29. Wonderful photo and narrative! What an enjoyable journey you've shared, bravo!

    Congrats on POTW!


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