Sunday, April 24, 2011

Canyon Falls Late Winter Hike: Part ONE

Late this winter, about a month and a half ago,
we decided to take our snowshoes and hike into a waterfalls near us.

We had been receiving our first early spring warmth, and we knew
the river would be breaking up its ice and the water would be
beginning to flow again.

When we got there, there had been enough people that had hiked in
and packed down the snow,
so we didn't even need our snowshoes to walk the path.

And, as I had hoped...
the river was flowing
and the snow settling made for some very nice snow sculptured art on the banks:

A very cool "ice cave" I couldn't get explore!:

I have always loved the little "ice shelves" the banks make when the snow starts to melt on the river:

Swirls of snow and melting icicles in the middle of it all!:

Winter surrounding one break in the river, trying to search for Spring:

Winter river rapids:

I loved those winter riverbank icicles here too:

Snow swirls, shadows and the river peeking through:

We will take a rest here from our hike and continue on the next blogpost.
Anyone have a bonfire and some hotdogs??:


  1. these are really gorgeous! the ice sculptures are natures art, i can feel the chill in the air just scrolling through the photo's

  2. Spring coming even when not apparent except to those who know where to look. Beautiful.

  3. ok wont lie a little odd seeing snow now but some neat pics...i would have been all over that ice cave...

  4. Joan,
    Isn't nature a wonderful artist!? beautiful photos my dear!

    The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances. ~Robert Flatt
    Have a wonderfully splendid Easter!

  5. Darn! It's 60 degrees at 9:45 a.m. here finally, and these photos are reminding me it still could snow again! lol (In 1963, we had a huge snow storm on May 10--the night of my senior prom!)

  6. Beautiful winter scenes.You have captured the intricate details,I love that.

  7. Beautiful, Joan, but it looks SO cold...

    Happy Easter to you and yours.

  8. SO pretty! That bonfire and hot dogs sound really good too!

  9. Pure beauty as usual.
    That's funny...we had a fire in our fire pit last night and roasted hot dogs!! They taste sooo good over the fire.

  10. I think I like the bench picture the most out of all these great pictures. It's like the benches at the first nature park I ever visited.

  11. Even the picture of the trail of footprints going over the bridge look pristine. I am tired of it but I do love snow.

  12. I can't say I miss snow right now, but your photographs are really good! I always enjoy your posts. You travel a lot and you bring great images from your trips. Thank you!.

  13. I hope it's a lot warmer now! It seems like you've had a long and hard winter!

  14. Wow it is so beautiful but I didn't know there was still so much snow in spring. The photos are stunning.

  15. What a unique perspective on winter and a river. I love all the little icicles hanging, and the cave--I can understand why you'd want to explore it (but couldn't)! Really nice pics! The U.P. can be so breathtakingly beautiful!

  16. Beautiful winter series! C'mon spring! Didn't realize you like to snow shoe too! Seriously, I wished you lived closer to me. (Though I'd be bugging you all the time - ha,ha - let's go birding, let's go snow shoeing, let's play w/ our cameras....)
    Hope we can meet up this spring/summer again!!

  17. Beautiful photos Joan! I love all the shapes and shadows and the way the light plays on the melting snow.

  18. You actually made that snow look warm. Beautiful.

    Snowshoeing. I've always wanted to try - now that I've given up skiing. Course, I've sort of given up snow, too.


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