Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bond Falls-Part TWO

Continuing today with winter falls pictures
Bond Falls...
(if you missed my last post, scroll down to see Part One).

I loved the walkover bridges on the river:

Black and white heaven:

Lacy ice formation right next to the edge of the falls brink:

See how black and white changes this same scene from up above?
I love doing this in the winter!:

Here is the color version of the other black and white one above too:

Can you hear the rapids?:

(I had a hat with earflaps on, so I probably didn't hear it very well either. haha)

I HAD to play with black and white
shutter speeds in this shot.

I'm SO glad I did...

I loved the little ice and snow formation
right smack in the middle of this set of falls!:

I have more photos again for you of these falls
in my next blogpost....
so go warm up now with a cup of cocoa
until we meet again!


  1. these are beautiful and so peaceful looking, makes me want to wander around and enjoy in person. I have 2 favorites, can't pick between them, the icy lace and the color shot of the closeup of the walking bridge. spectacular

  2. Hi Joan, I love them all--but then again, you knew that "I" would --since I am a waterfall and rapids lover....

    BUT--your two best pictures I think are the last two... Marvelous!

  3. I always enjoy your waterfall photos. You live in an area where the water has so much energy and creates such wonderful scenes. As a kid I use to dam up our little creek to create waterfall effects but that creek was a water faucet of water compared to your rivers.

  4. SO beautful! You capture the rushing water so well!

  5. Black and white is so beautiful in the winter. All of your photos are lovely.

  6. I forgot to mention that I actually did hear the rapids when viewing that photo. It was amazing...until... I realized my husband was running the water in the kitchen sink. Ruined that moment!
    ail :)

  7. I love the black and whites, but that third photo was magical!

  8. Your photos are a work of art ! Just beautiful.
    Have a wonderful day !


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: