Friday, February 4, 2011

Bond Falls!-Part ONE

Every winter, I like to snowshoe in to at least one winter

Not only is it good exercise, but the falls take on a whole new look
in the winter white
never fails to amaze me with its ice formations.

Besides, it is wonderful for black and white photos too.

So, about a month ago, we packed up the car and took a drive to Bond Falls.

It was gorgeous.

And there had been so many snowmobilers that had walked the trail to the falls, that we didn't even need
to use our snowshoes...we wore our regular winter boots.

So for the next few blogposts, I am going to share some of the beauty of these winter falls with YOU.

The falls are actually a set of several cascading falls down to the very bottom.

So I am showing you these in the order of our actual walk down the falls.

SEE why I really LOVE winter falls?:

All over the place were clumps of snow and ice right beside rushing water:

And stunning "plates" of ice formations overhanging the rapids:

This adorable little hut is open in the summer at the falls...but it was closed up and sealed
for the winter now:

Pine boughs....
               snow clumps...
                                 and rushing water..

Forget about looking at clouds for dreams...
what do these look like to YOU?:

I loved this little
adorable bridge
on the walk beside the falls:

this view of the river
with the bridge over it:

And we totally lucked out with the weather that day....
very warm for the high 30's and sunny...
hardly even a breeze.
Just glorious and refreshing.

Stay tuned, I will be posting MORE of our Bond Falls trip
in blogposts to come....


  1. I see a mother dolphin and her tiny child!

  2. wow and double wow! what a gorgeous place, and very worth the hike or snowshoe trip. there is nothing in this world more beautiful than God's creation and thank you for my visit to view it.

  3. Beautiful photos, Hubby and I also like to photograph water falls we seem to have more summer then winter though I dont know why they are so pretty in winter ! Nothing better then going for a hike/walk and photographing !
    Have a great day !

  4. I haven't been to Bond Falls in MANY years! And never in the winter. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Great photos! The one before the bridge looks like there's a momma fish and baby fish made of ice!

  6. Such beauty! I love the bridge picture especially.

  7. The photo of the bridge with the sun shining is so pretty.
    And the photo in your question..At the lower left I see a large turtle heading into the water...silly turtle...he will freeze to death! and in the water to his right it looks like a elephants head..I see the ears, the raised trunk, and the back of his head.
    Yea I know, sounds strange! But that's just me!

  8. Bond Falls is gorgeous, Joan. Can't wait to see more pictures.. Not only do I love the falls, but that last picture with the bridge in the distance is GREAT.

  9. That's winter at its prettiest. I, too, saw a turtle but with a baby beluga to the right of it.

  10. So so pretty...I always think snow quiets the world~

  11. Beautiful! We don't have any waterfalls in my area so I always enjoy yours! :)

  12. Wonderful photos. It looks like an amazing place. Looking forward to part two.

    Thanks for your visit to my blog today.. much appreciated. :)

  13. I really like that first photo best. I think I saw sunshine in some of those shots.


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