Thursday, January 27, 2011


One of the cutest little birds
to visit our feeders in the winter
are the

Read more about them HERE.
(When you go to the site, look at the non-breeding pictures of them which most resembles these).

So today's post is for you to enjoy some shots of them
that I have taken of them over the last few weeks.

They love the small seeds of our birdfeed and also the sunflower seeds:

They remind me of little fluffy chicks:

Sometimes about twenty all fly in at once and hop and kick about the seeds on
the dish, making a mess and making little chirps:

She is saying:
"Stick your head under all that snow and let me know
what there is to eat, will ya'?":

"Ah, Dang...leftovers AGAIN!":

"If that dang Chickadee lands hard ONE more time, I'm gonna be bounced right off this thing!":

Just LOOK at the stinkeye
the bird in the back
is giving the one that
is eating:

The early goldfinch
gets the sunflower seeds!:

"Watch, Gertrude!!...I can balance snow on my beak!":

A chipping Sparrow stopped by,
and the Goldfinch left...

"Yummm...Sunflower and Seed Icee' favorite!":

When you are bored some winter day,
just listen for bird sounds
and watch.

The season is amazingly full of life, even in the cold of winter.


  1. thank you for my smiles of the day. i am smiling from ear to ear, and chuckling out loud. these are priceless, their expressions are so funny. i can't pick a favorite, but the one on the edge about to fall off made me really laugh. i love all of them. have you considered going to a web site like shutterfly and putting these in a book? your bird photos are really really good

  2. These are my most populous birds on my feeders, other than the house sparrows, that is. They have nyjer seed in a sock and two upside-down feeders that only they and the pine siskins can use. House sparrows are perch challenged. I love my beautiful goldfinches! And these pictures are priceless.

  3. I have goldfinches coming to my feeder as well. In northern WI the finches are still wearing their brown feathers. As it gets warmer they will put on their bright gold summer feathers. Is that peanut butter they are eating?

  4. i love these....we have goldfinches at Gram's too, but i can't seem to make my camera work to take pictures through the window...instead of the cute little birdies, i get a white favorites, but Gram will love em...

  5. Fantastic photos ! They are pretty little things! Have a great day !

  6. Wonderful pictures of incredible little creatures!

  7. They are so plump and fluffy-looking. I love the last three photos with snow on their beaks!

  8. I love all your captions for these very pretty little birds. I have only seen a couple this winter. I don't have hanging feeders and I think they prefer to go where there is so they don't have to get down on the ground. I always get excited when I do see some though. I love them and I love how they sound. Great photos of them !!

  9. Well done. We only see the goldfinche in breeding colors.Great story you tell along with your photos.

  10. GREAT photos Joan!
    Ya just gotta love those little cuties...

  11. It is so wonderful that folks such as you feed these sweet little birds in the winter. They are so delightful. I enjoyed the running narrative.

  12. They are so cute, wonderful series of photos Joan.

  13. Such great photos! You've really captured their characters :-)

  14. such beautiful photos it was like being there

  15. I am wondering that peanut butter?


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