Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blue Sky and branches of Hoarfrost!

Overnight one night, we had a slight hoarfrost.

I love it when that happens.

It covers all the bare vegetation
with frost that looks like it has been sprinkled by powdered sugar.

Here, if it is a sunny morning you have to hurry to get out to capture
it before the sun melts it all off the trees and bushes.

So, one day when I woke up a little later than usual, I saw it...
and rushed to get out there to capture some of it for you...

This particular time, it was like a mix of hoarfrost and ice on the branches, making them shimmer and sparkle:

I was Ooooo-ing and Awwww-ing the whole time out there:

It positively illuminated the day!:

I loved it against the clouds and blue, blue, sky:

Nature shining at its best:

Closeup and personal:

I have more pictures for you on a future blogpost...
I was out there
enjoying the scenes so much
that my fingers began looking like the branches above!


  1. God's decorations always always win first place, these are wonderful

  2. I could not agree with you more...those photos are spendid and the cotrast between the blue and white are remarkable! What a feast for the eyes and I'm wondering; is hoarfrost a real word or did you make that up? I've never heard of such a thing and the word is clever so I wondered...

  3. Cold and frosty....and the brilliance of the blue sky made it POP! Great pictures, can't wait for more..

  4. Beautiful photos ! Hubby and I went to our fav camera shop and treated our selves with a few new lenses . I bought the Nikon Micro NIKKOR 60 mm 2.8 VR lens Nikon NIKKOR 55-300 and hubby bought Sigma 150-500mm lens thats a heavy lens and also one each of the Element covers for our camera's so now we can have more fun with our photography ! Have a wonderful day !

  5. So many gorgeous, gorgeous shots!

  6. Oh my! That is so beautiful. So often here we have fog with front, not blue sky. The contrast is amazing.

  7. Those photos are breath-takingly beautiful. Especially the ones of the branches against the blue sky.

  8. OH.....A "hoar" frost! I always wondered what that was...Obviously, we don't get them over here. Nice pics Joan!

  9. I seldom see that on the trees here. They are beautiful with that frost on them, especially against a clear blue sky like that!!


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